Alayne Stone

@Barrabás: Jealous! I want to go next year! So much Stevie in this catalogue, I love it.

You guys, I think I might actually dress like this. Let's not make fun.

@SarahMC: This comment made me gasp out loud. Had no idea he went to Landon, but it makes a lot of sense now.

Is the title a quote from a Stevie Nicks song? I LOVE EMILY.

@fluxus flucker: I was hoping someone would post this! I was just watching this episode last night and had a serious deja vu moment when I saw the story on here. Also, I think this kind of proves that the boobs-and-butt theory is not exactly a big scientific breakthrough.

She is totally loaded. Valium?

@sailorsong: Oh my god, yes! Let's not even get into the racism of that comment.

I heard this in the car this morning and I don't think I've ever been so enraged by something I heard on NPR. It had me screaming at the radio. I also immediately thought, "I hope someone at Jezebel notices this and does a post." I'm so glad you did!

@lodown: I must know — is it about the rat king?? If so, TUNING IN IMMEDIATELY.

@Gavagirl: Are her breasts not real? I thought they were.

That bitch has Stevie's tambourine!

I didn't even have to read the caption and I KNEW this was from DC/MD.

@winemedineme: Ugh, it makes me so mad that this same thing happened to someone else! They shouldn't be sticking catheters up little girls in the first place unless it's absolutely necessary, it's a very invasive and painful procedure for a child. I wish I'd sued for malpractice, because now I am 22 and have the

@Cimorene: This is awesome. I just wanted to say that I am constantly ranting about this same topic - Western culture and Christianity's construction of women as only existing to be a receptacle for the penis (down to the root of the word vagina, which is a word meaning "sheath") but the whole thing makes me so angry

@winemedineme: Well, my nerve damage was from a botched catheterization during a test on my bladder. The damage caused me to develop bladder control issues, although I did learn about Kegels way, way earlier than everyone else as a result. (The doctors taught me to do them when I was 8 so I could keep from, you know,

@alexandrahamilton aka jcb820: It is a great one, although I have to say I only remember how hot she is when her back tattoos are showing.

Oh my god! As someone who suffers from chronic hereditary UTIs and has actual nerve damage to the urinary tract from all the tests they ran on me as a little girl, I am so fucking grateful that my future kid won't have to go through the years of pain and suffering that my mom and I have.