Alayne Stone

I'm a server at a large upscale restaurant and often work in the back dining room, where we do large parties. I had a party of 30 come in and get pissed off with me because we'd seated them at two 16-tops next to each other, and kept asking repeatedly why the tables couldn't be joined. Um, because it's a fucking

Maybe read over your first post and try telling me that I'm the one lacking in compassion and empathy again.

Get out, fucking troll.

I live in Maryland and have been noticing quite a few of those breathalyzer-ignition tools in cars lately. I'm in favor.

It does, yeah. I don't know how it compares, but I have poor circulation and chronically low blood pressure and high altitudes totally mess me up too, so I feel for him!

Not quite all. We did have one bachelor president, James Buchanan! Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Martin Van Buren, and Chester A. Arthur were also single for their entire terms, but they were all widowers.

Uh, no, because he is a billionaire and also kind of a piece of shit.

I think she's mistakenly referring to the 2mg tablets, which are a lovely shade of pale blue. Signed, your neighborhood benzo connoisseur.

That scene made me feel physically ill.

Just wanted to say that I've read the books and completely agree with your analysis/criticisms. Cersei was one of my favorite female characters until George R.R. Martin had to go and completely ruin her in the fourth book. I think they're actually doing a better job of portraying her on the show, and Lena Headey is

Yes, I think it is gratuitous violence, at least in last night's episode. (Spoilers ahead, for anyone who hasn't watched it yet). In particular, the scene I referenced in my earlier comment, the part with Joffrey and the two sex workers, felt completely unnecessary given that the previous scene had just shown him

Gratuitous nudity? Personally, I'm a lot more bothered by the gratuitous violence and brutality against the female characters. Last night's episode was particularly awful. Am I alone here? I thought I'd been pretty thoroughly desensitized to the violence on the show/HBO/TV in general, but I almost couldn't finish the

Um, definitely not? I'll worry when she's 12 and still carrying around that bunny.

I'm almost positive she was 18 and straight out of high school when she started on the show - at least, that was what they said at the time. So if that's correct, the age she's claiming right now is off by a year or less.

Just curious, what field do you work in?

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even dane cook isn't a fan of rape jokes.

I think I would have loved Lea Michele's dress if Cher was wearing it instead.


I know! I loved how she said, "I appreciate her giving me a gift..." That child is like, five! So polite!

Depictions of rape aside, when I saw Rooney Mara's naked boobs on the poster I sort of had a feeling this movie wasn't being marketed to me.