Alayne Stone

I was going to say this but I was afraid I'd get accused of being a troll. Thank you for putting it much better than I would have. It's sad for their family, but I hope she takes it as a sign from her body that it's time to stop.

Oh, fuck! I broke my tailbone when I was 13, but they totally didn't tell me this. Do you know if it was just your case, or is that pretty much a sure thing with a vaginal birth if you've broken your tailbone in the past? And yeah, plane seats are the worst. It never quite goes away.

I'm in the DC suburbs and there are about 10 Starbucks for every independent coffeehouse around here. I wish we had a good local chain like Peet's in the Pacific Northwest, but we don't. I don't even think Starbucks coffee is especially good, but it's hard to go elsewhere when it's the only reasonable option.

It bummed me out, because despite the fact that she was kind of evil, she was also interesting and cunning, and I always liked her character for that reason. In the fourth book, she's just evil and stupid. There is so much penis envy in those chapters I think even Freud would have been like, "Whoa, take it down a

Don't count on it - Martin completely ruins Cersei with the POV chapters in the fourth book. It's really awful, actually, since I initially thought she was one of the better-written female characters.

I worked at a video store all through college and was never bothered by the people who paid in quarters, although granted, these were $4 and $5 purchases - I think I would have been more than a little irritated if someone tried to pay a $40 bill in change. What did bug me was the one customer who insisted on paying

I was seriously about to leave this same comment. I'm a little horrified by the idea of the producers of a reality TV show arranging a marriage. I'm sure it's obvious that I am also incredibly naive. At least there are two of us!

Okay, phew, I'm nowhere near Oklahoma anyway. I also have no plans to have a child anytime soon, but you know, better safe than sorry. Also, I'm really impressed with your mom - I'm pretty sure if I'd just given birth I would be in no condition to tell one newborn from another.

I kind of want to know what hospital this was so I can make sure to NEVER GIVE BIRTH THERE EVER. Twice!!?

I am a size 2/4 and I own one of their size LARGE swimsuits that is TOO SMALL for me. There is something really and truly fucked about downsizing that much. I know I always feel like shit about my weight after trying on their clothes, and I feel like that's the effect they're trying to achieve.

How did she fail to mention that the spanker in this situation was Michael Fassbender? I definitely wouldn't need to be drunk.

That's what I think too. Most of it is make-up and weight loss, but she's definitely done something to her nose and the lower lip looks noticeably bigger.

And he's married to Jessie Baylin who seems really nice and follows my blog.

Good call.

I think you must have the same skin type as me... I am naturally super pale and can miraculously get a tan without burning most of the time, but it's a sallow, yellow-y tan.

I didn't know being a fruititarian was a thing, but I'm a vegetarian who eats a lot of fruit, and people always comment on how I don't sweat/smell. Hmm.

I'm the exact same way. I have dry hair and I don't need to wash it more than once a week, and I'm not an especially active person, so I don't feel the need to wash my body every day if I'm not getting all sweaty. I don't think it's weird, and I don't think I smell. And come on, it's eco-friendly!

What did Alan Ball say about "comeuppance" exactly? I thought the scene was a very obvious gang rape also, and not played for laughs at all. I found it pretty harrowing to watch, I don't see how anyone could laugh at that.

George Lucas says in the "Making of Star Wars" documentary that he decided to buy the property that he later named Skywalker Ranch partly because it was located on Lucas Valley Road. So yeah, it predates him, but he still managed to make it serve his ego.

@clevernamehere: Hearted you for this.