Alayne Stone

No shit. I had a guy tell me I had “found the fountain of youth” when I told him I was 30, I guess he thought I looked ‘young’.

It’s not amazing that media/patriarchy et al. ETA* A FUCKING BOOK ALMANAC. DAMN I AM MAD can always find a way to delegitimize women’s use of their mental faculty by saying we “obsessed” with this or that. I am taking this pictorial preoccupation real hard, but it is frustrating to read something that insinuates that

My grandfather was a decent man but a blackout drunk. He never hurt anyone or said cruel things, he would just disappear for days/weeks and comeback shaking and with screaming night terrors from WWII. He was a professional boxer and remained huge and muscular even into his 70’s but was still a very gentle man. I think

My cats bite and claw me everyday. I deserve it because I’m alive.

The mason jar of your memories and veggie oil is waaaaaay too Piss Christ.

The thing I can’t stand is the trend of gluing a crystal candle holder to the bottom and calling them “redneck wineglasses,” which people go APESHIT over around here.

You would be amazed at how many “he’s just using you for a green card” comments I have received. This is despite the fact that he lives in one of those amazing European cities that is always in the top 5 happiest cities and I live in one of those American cities that always makes the top 5 most depressing/violent/etc.

So. This is just what I’m gathering from the article, but here’s what I think happened.

Firstly - The photo in this article is a stock photo. It’s not actually one of the photos she saw. Which is why I think the man she was dating was probably South Asian (Indian, Pakistani or Sri Lankan). Why? Because South Asian

I wouldn’t call it a relationship — but when I was 22, I had gone on a few dates with a 30 year old that I knew through mutual friends but didn’t really know very well. It was kind of awkward and didn’t lead anywhere intimate (for example, he hysterically cried at a movie we went to see that wasn’t particularly

Yesssss.....thank you for pointing this out. I felt bad for agreeing that this is a terrible humble brag, but this is why.

I was most bothered by how insincere her feminist statements come across.

In part, quite probably. However, the responses I get to “I’m married” are usually “How married?” or “I don’t mind”, or “me too....” rather than a “sorry, didn’t notice the ring.”

You will get some hate for this but I’m 100% with you. It’s not just the men looking parts, it’s the 100 year old diamond on platinum strands while I crush this workout and leave all the fatties in the dust vibe that’s also radiating off this.

I think it’s partly just due to people not noticing your ring. I noticed no decline in street harassment after getting engaged or married - they aren’t looking at your hand! Even guys who speak to you often don’t notice. I worked 2 weeks at a new job wearing my rings every day and many of my (male, some quite sleazy)

I’m white as that ice cream in my icon, so this is just my perspective. A POC might have a more informed take. Almost anyone can put together a more coherent one, it’s been a long day. Considering Dolezal’s field of study, the art she creates, the politics she campaigns for, it’s a short hop to assume that her

a man feeling like she was meant to be a woman BIOLOGICALLY is not the same as a white woman feeling like she can identify with African american history and their struggle. Identify with it so much that she wants to turn into a black person to co-opt the racial struggle that they face.

So I was taking the drink order of a 25 top. I reached perhaps the 15th or so person, and the first guy who's order I'd taken shouted "HOW THEM DRINKS COMING, CHIEF?!"