Alayne Stone

@andhowever: Just wanted to second that this has been my experience at my (large, public) university as well. Patricia Hill Collins teaches here (mentioned in Renee Martin's original piece as one of her heroes) and I believe she was one of the very first to talk about the need for greater intersectionality in feminist

@Hortense: Yeah you think they would have realized they were overdoing it after the FOURTH trashy skank sketch.

Am I the only one who loved that sketch?

Didn't love all the whore-bashing in the Weekend Update bit, but I have to admit the double whammy of the labia line and Tina's Hitler joke IN GERMAN had me shrieking with laughter for about two minutes.

No Tina co-anchoring Weekend Update? Automatic FAIL, Seth Meyers. FAIL SO HARD.

@LiseMarie: I smoked all the way through my chronic bronchitis! Don't let it keep you down! (This is awful advice, by the way.)

@La Chica Lucy: YES. Maybe it's the gravity bong talking, but that performance with the sound on mute could have passed for the funniest skit of the night.

I think I'm going to take this opportunity to mute the TV and take a bong hit.

aaaaand mute.


@val1124: I was really hoping to preserve my innocence. I'd never heard him sing before! and OH GOD HE JUST STARTED RAPPING WHY

30 main street might have been the best joke of the night.

I'm starting to doubt that Dr. Drew actually knows anything about treating anyone.

@LadyCoCo: I agree. Not her best, but that dress was far from ugly. I thought it looked pretty cute on her, and if it'd been a better length she might have completely pulled it off. People are making this out to be some kind of Cher-at-the-Oscars type of fiasco, which is ridiculous. No wonder the woman usually sticks

I was really hoping ladies in Budapest get married in fancy black Victorian garb. I totally would.

@AtomiClash humanitarian misanthrope: I am a big classic rock person but I always kind of thought Jim Morrison was a hack, even though I enjoy The Doors sometimes. His poetry confirms my suspicions. HOWEVER, your comment made me unearth a long-suppressed memory of giggling over the word penis in one of the poems in

@Breamworthy: God, I had no idea. I'm barely a B cup and the jiggling only bothers me a little if I run braless. Not that I do a lot of running.

@rozdoll: The article says says she can't because her implants are too big. I'm kind of skeptical, though, because she says she's an "E or F" cup, and while that's really big, I'm pretty sure women have natural breasts that size and are able to jog with the right sports bra. (Correct me if I'm wrong here, someone.) Is