Alayne Stone

@athenasadidas: At the source it says jogging is out because her breast implants are too big. I'm not going to think about this too much harder because I'm feeling sick just thinking about why someone would do that to their body.

@amowls: BDJ isn't perfect but I still love it and have watched it a billion times. I just always got so irritated that they made Bridget out to be some kind of obese schlump who, shockingly, managed to attract good-looking men, and it was RENEE FUCKING ZELLWEGER, like, five pounds heavier than her usual

@Notes from the underwhelmed: I completely agree. It has that awful grainy texture and is covered in coconut. I mean, COCONUT! It's DISGUSTING.

edit: sorry, this second comment was supposed to be a response to someone else.

@iamwombat: Your hair sounds like my hair. I used to just straighten it because I couldn't figure out what would work with my natural texture, but what I do now is soooooo much easier and less time consuming. I dry it on high heat with a diffuser and then use a 3/4 inch curling iron to do the front and touch up any

@Vermontboy: Oh my god, that story about the naked teenagers in the parking lot is about the best thing I've ever heard. Also, I kind of want to move to Vermont?

@oh_desy: That was me! I'm glad someone else reposted it. I love Kate Beaton.

@Pugnacioun: I HOWLED at that line. Actually, I think Tina Fey's commitment to Star Wars references may be my favorite thing about 30 rock. There's one in almost every episode! Also, I am a huge nerd.

@Pugnacioun: That is my favorite 30 rock episiode of all time. The combination of Carrie Fisher guest starring and this scene with Alec and Tracy will never, EVER be topped.

@missmonster: Thanks for adding this. While I'm pretty sure that if you drink too much it would probably just make you nauseous and throw up - it would be fairly difficult to get to a critical/overdose level just by drinking the tea before your body rejected it -as you said there's no exact way to determine the

@badmutha: Don't worry, it's not scary - I'd compare it to popping a low-dose opiate painkiller or having a few drinks. See my reply above.

@sheilagirl: I've tried it a few times because I like tea and heavy-duty painkillers make me really nauseous. It's basically as described - like popping half a Vicodin or something. Makes you a bit fuzzy and relaxed, kind of out of it. I'm surprised the tipster said he was able to work on bikes while he was on it,

@PrincessOfPower: same here, same stats. I really want to watch the clips, boo! Someone said it might be a problem with youtube maintenance but the site's back up now and I still can't load the videos.

@superdave: Yeah, I just realized none of the other videos on the site are working for me either.

@PaintedTrollop: Ha, after I realized how I phrased it I was hoping someone would respond that way.

Videos aren't working for me, anyone else having issues?

@Cairn: Uh, that is actually not true at all. And is a dangerous assumption to make.

@TurtleSpeak: A vote for carrot is a vote for righteousness!

@Xanthippe: I am just judging by the comments on various posts I've read about this picture, but from the reactions to it it seems like the tide of public opinion is turning against her. The comments on the post on ONTD were mostly people voicing doubt that she couldn't have known about it. Just so nobody