Alayne Stone

@SomeAuthorGirl: Oh, how could I have forgotten about the inmate labor anecdote? That was pretty bad, yeah.

I've been saying this forever! As a bona-fide stoner I can attest to the fact that these comments unmistakably are the product of a twisted and cannabis-addled mind. Dude is high out of his skull. Trust me, I have dated this guy. More than once.

@SomeAuthorGirl: Just wondering - what did you think was so cringeworthy in her Daily Show interview? I saw it and thought there were a few slightly awkward moments, like when she got in a dig at her husband for being cheap, but overall she seemed fairly natural, just a bit nervous. Did I miss something?

@Breamworthy: Okay, that is a much less egregious error. Thank you for restoring my faith in the AP's journalistic standards. (Obv. was not implying it was a mistake by Jez).

I hope that extra comma, halfway through the sentence wasn't in the AP copy.

@vwbugirl: Actually I thought this was a big revelation, and a pretty vindicating one for Michael Jackson. I was surprised it wasn't listed higher in the Dirt Bag. I guess I've just heard so much criticism of him over the years for supposedly bleaching his skin. Well, even if he did, I don't think anybody could blame

@TheFormerJuneBronson: I now have the flute meloday in question on an endless loop in my brain.

@cinematheques: Her doc Dream of Life came out in August and is pretty awesome, if you're looking to get your Patti fix. (DC Jezzies, come rent it from me and I'll give you a freebie!)

You know what? I've decided that I reallyreally like Rosie O'Donnell. For the following three reasons:

@Alohamaid: Awesome! So glad they did not turn orange! It seems like the key is being vigilant about checking the color. What did you use to apply the Jolen?

@Alohamaid: Is it possible to do this without turning your eyebrows some godawful shade? The only thing keeping me from bleaching my hair blonde is my super-dark eyebrows, but I once tried to bleach them and ended up with orange brows. If there's some way to successfully get them to a nice light brown color I say go

@Lysergic Asset: ALWAYS. Love the song, love the skit, love cowbell in general (especially when played by Stevie Nicks! Is my new profile pic showing up yet?)

@bellzar08: You sound so much like me. I was also struggling with ED-NOS when I was 16, fluctuating between bulimia symtoms (purging specifically) and straight-up anorexia. I don't have anything really profound or magical to say about recovery, but it sounds like you're going through the exact same thing that I was,

@Lysergic Asset: It's so funny that you say that because I've almost complimented you on yours many, many times. Let's be friends.

@trikota: Oh, you're lucky for having a family who understands you! Everyone in my family is a total chocoholic except for me. My grandmother knew I hated chocolate, but used to bake me German Chocolate cake for my birthday every year because she thought it wasn't "real chocolate," and I'd have to eat it. I think

Is it loading for anyone?

@trikota: Another one of us! I feel like such a freak all the time, but Valentine's Day is the worst.

@mordicai: Oh, I am loving you and your political humor today. Hearted!

@mordicai: I never EVER hear any politician talking about changing it, so since it has no chance of happening, to me that's about as obscure as it gets. Maybe people do talk about it a lot - I totally have heard internet commenters parroting that talking point about the corporate two-party system. But I'm not one of

@CaptFamous: Bingo. He's laying it on way too thick in an attempt to gain our sympathies and, in so doing, let himself off the hook.