Alayne Stone

The counterexample is invalidated by the fact that Lucy Lawless is a natural blonde.

@Bunsen Honeydew: I really like Zoe Saldana's dress too! Great color, and I love the weird ragged gyspy-looking skirt.

Also, I thought very few of these were truly horrible. Most of them just had bad/unnecessary details or would have looked better on another person. Christina Hendricks, for instance, is totally owning that peach gown, although it would be improved greatly if someone ripped off that big labia-like ruffle. Despite that,

Oh my god. It was so irritating how offended Mariah got when Ryan Seacrest sarcastically referred to that down-to-there dress as "subtle." HOLY BOOBS, Mariah! Do you not see yourself in that thing? The cleavage is all I or anyone else can look at. Of course people are going to remark on your lack of subtlety.

@Sapphire: I LOVE Last Chance To See! It was one of my favorite books as a kid. The Komodo Dragon chapter still makes me laugh out loud.


@morninggloria: I want her to be my best friend. I think we'd understand each other. We share a love of long ratty hair and a disregard for ashtrays.


@CherriSpryte: Yep. She's 19 now and has chosen her choice. I don't feel bad vocalizing the opinion I've had about her for awhile now: that she's a total hypocrite. Guess she gets it from her mama!

@OverratedUnderwhelmed: Not sure if you were being completely tongue in cheek, but I think the lion cut is a more humane choice in some cases. Long haired cats can get pretty miserable in summer. I have one friend with a Persian who gets him a lion cut when it gets really hot, and it seems to make him much more

I am turning into the most insufferable celebrity armchair psychologist, but I'm convinced Jennifer Love Hewitt has some disordered eating issues. I feel for the girl, as she obviously has a complex, but I'm getting really sick of hearing soundbite after soundbite of her talking about her weight or body shape. I wish

@PilgrimSoul: I was surprised by how tame the supposed examples of EE's "bitchiness" were. Threatening to suspend health-care coverage for everyone until she and her husband's coverage was taken care of? Sure, it sounds like she threw a bit of a tantrum, but it's totally reasonable that she'd want their medical care

@madeofawesome: I'm glad you weren't making fun of her, but I don't think she's horrifying. Did you mean that she seems scary or unhinged? I'm bipolar, and if I typed up my internal monologue during an unmedicated period it would probably read something like Tila's twitter feed (albeit with better punctuation and

@madeofawesome: I think maybe she's bipolar. And grieving, even if the engagement was a publicity stunt. Go easy on her.

@AtomiClash: humanitarian misanthrope: I think she just means a guy who is "juiced" or "jacked" (really muscular). I don't think she is specifically looking for steroid users to date, although I doubt she realizes that's what the term connotes.

@NewsBunny: my (very Irish, but American born) father has the same name as an IRA terrorist. Flying in Europe especially has been a huge pain in the ass. He gets stopped, searched, wanded, harassed, and sometimes I do too because I have the same last name.

@jenrobe: This is the best comment ever.

@LucilleMcGillicuddy: I wish that I could promote this 10 times. (Or one time. Oh well. You rule, anyway.)

@axel_f: she insists they aren't implants. she says strangers even come up to her and ice when they're out together ask to feel her butt to make sure there's not anything in there. apparently she is all natural.