Alayne Stone

@BreeDMN: I seriously don't even think she should be in prison. She's already been in hell.

@cirocco: So funny that you say that because that's my favorite episode of all time!

@Zabnut: I actually think this season has been pretty funny so far but yeah, I agree with you. Last night's episode was probably the most cringe-inducing I've ever seen. And it just didn't let up! Where was the funny subplot to lighten the tension?

@Grrrlfriend: Oh my god! The Office last night! I cringed so hard I think I pulled a muscle.

@LaMorenita: I never miss an episode of The Office. I almost gave up on it after the strike but it really picked up towards the end of last season and this season has been so on point so far.

@DontFearTheReefer: Hopefully everyone realizes I was quoting 30 Rock. The similarity is all in the chin.

Does Sarah Palin's book tour seriously make stops at Sam's Club? I can't decide if it's pathetic or perfect.

@morninggloria: I've seen better chins on premature babies!

@UrbanAchiever: You were right, I did need to reread. I just get tired of the knee-jerk careless stoner assumption, but I guess I'm asking for it with a screen name like this. Anyway, I didn't mean to be confrontational.

@UrbanAchiever: I was confused by the wording of the hypothetical in the post, not the actual facts. I appreciate the condescending implication that smoking weed has made me stupid, though!

wait, i thought the lacerations were on tiger's face. wouldn't that mean his wife was the one being violent toward him, if this was indeed the case?

I hate to say it, but it, uh... kind of looks like Hitler to me.

@Hiroine Protagonist: @blueruinelf: Don't judge them too harshly! On the show, it's made clear that interrupting the service that Pam and Jim had planned to play the Chris Brown song was a move totally orchestrated by Michael. As is typical of Michael's gestures, it's totally out of touch and inappropriate. It makes

@SarahMC: Me either. Just because she wasn't screaming and struggling in whatever video they showed her (and we really don't know anything about it) doesn't mean it was consensual.

@LaFemme: she's 19, but it doesn't make him look like any less of a jerk.

Never thought I would say this, but I think I agree with Maureen Dowd.