Alayne Stone

and tracie your hair looks really pretty!

the bret michaels question is so good. "it's freudian." YES!! you guys rule.

@PromQueen: safe haven laws. they definitely have them in new york.

i am alarmed by her resemblance to my idol!

@KatsMeow: good for you! i like them so much i may just continue wearing them until i die. i'm just saying, they have their place.

i like them and wear them often. the ones i had didn't start out being very hole-y, though, most of them were from natural wear and tear. i feel like kind of a fraud buying pre-ripped ones.

does it bother anyone else that they used an interpreter instead of letting her speak for herself? i haven't seen her in very many things, but from what i can remember she definitely had speaking roles and is and her voice is perfectly intelligible. she wouldn't be able to work as an actress if it wasn't.


@Big_Noise_From_Winnetka: get excited! i saw them at verizon center in DC last month and had a great time. i am a second-generation fan - the tickets were a present from my parents. i would give my left arm to see them live back in their heyday, but i was about -10 years old when rumours came out.

I CAN'T BELIEVE THERE WAS A STEVIE STYLE POST AND I MISSED IT!!!! i love her! look at my userpic! i've been obsessed with her since i was a little girl and have been buying 'stevie clothes' pretty much ever since i started dressing myself. i have so many of pictures of her from the 70s saved on my computer and i look

your point about the "i think" and "i don't know, but" that women are socialized to use is SO CORRECT. i don't even notice myself doing it, but i was looking back over an argument my boyfriend and i had online last night, and i started almost every thought with "i just feel that" or "i don't know, i could be wrong..."

@fulanita: yeah, it really washes her out. it's weird because i think she's a natural blonde. but i think she looks best as a brunette.

@BeSarcastic: ahhhh! amazing! thank you so much. it looks kind of big though, is it as overwhelming when it's on your body? i like the triangle necklace too.

@BeSarcastic: OMG I'VE WANTED ONE FOR SO LONG. where did you get it? as i said above, i love her sense of style and ape her fashion sense shamelessly!

@stevienixxx: hahaha my tickets were totally a present from my parents as well. they're aging hippies, they get it.

thank you so much for posting this hortense!! i love this woman and will take any excuse i can get to talk about her. i actually went and made a blog post for the first time in months after seeing her in concert. of course this picture was included:

@stevienixxx: i pretty much dress like that (black, fringe, witchy stuff) all the time. i imitate stevie shamelessly.

YES I SAW HER IN CONCERT LAST WEEK! i have a slightly unhealthy obsession with her. i have a fantasy that i meet her and we talk about clothes. she is still amazing, by the way, and looks fucking HOT. can you believe she is 60??