Alayne Stone

i really do mean this in a non-snarky way: what happened to claire danes' breasts? i mean, she was never busty, but i remember her having something up there. she's always been skinny so i don't think it can be attributed to weight loss.

@hammerimissu: hahaha i had the exact same thought!! i realized the other day that i've only had one boyfriend who WASN'T in a band.

@shewar: actually he's pretty well known for making up total bullshit in interviews - he tells stories that are completely outlandish or impossible or just says general douchebaggy things, just to fuck with the press/rabid fans. i think this may be what is going on here.

@broad: seriously, that's one of my favorite songs ever. why would you lounge up jeff buckley??

@Penny_Esq: she actually has a good voice, but that's one of my favorite songs of all time, and she turned it into a piano ballad. it's like jeff buckley as interpreted by norah jones. on ludes. ughhhhh!

in all fairness, if you have big boobs, it's pretty hard not to show cleavage if you don't want to wear a turtleneck all the time.

@Annabellie: if you look carefully you can tell how long her real hair is. pretty much all of the length is fake.

currently wearing glasses, boots and hair just like hers!

she looks fabulous. love her.

jesus christ, these girls are really plumbing the depths. i wouldn't be surprised to find out that there was some domestic abuse here - these relationships seem deeply, DEEPLY dysfunctional. particularly the couple where the dude says he has 'trained' his girlfriend. seriously disturbing.

@musicpup: i am grateful for big underwire bras. my boobs are too small to necessitate wearing one all the time, but when i was younger and stupider i borrowed one of my mom's bigger ones and smuggled half an ounce of weed through airport security in one of the bra cups. i also almost peed my pants i was so terrified

@Shannon: i hate chili! but then again, i am a freak who doesn't like chocolate, so my tastebuds are an anomaly.

TACKY AS ALL HELL. i kind of love it.

want the dress, hate the shoes!

she's gorgeous but that dress is the color of sweaty gym socks, and somehow manages to make her big boobs look small.

@MyNameIsChris: seriously, can that possibly be true? also, if it did actually happen, i'm shocked that she didn't get knifed.

@sassyredhead: same here. i enjoyed the show but i'm really over the rabid consumerism, and from what i hear the movie is way worse than the show ever was.

cute or sad, cute or sad, CUTE OR SAD????