Alayne Stone

@BabyJane: it's been about 15 years since i last gnawed on a chewy barbie foot, and i have to say it still sounds pretty appealing.

that poor woman with vin diesel is so obviously a beard... somehow he looks deeply uncomfortable with his arm around her.

@hortense: incidentally, i have been there and it's great!

@LipstickLibrarian: you know chelsea could! lord knows she's had a lot more to drown her sorrows about than either of the bush twins.

@AthertonMerriweather: yup. i'm pretty sure it's standard in the biz for the editor in chief to personally sign off on the cover, meaning tons of people had to miss it before it got to the big cheese, who also missed it.

@sequined: weird! i drive an 04 toyota which skids all over the road when it's the slightest bit wet. awful.

@cwistomoweina: no! i refuse to sink to his level. i will never rip one in front of him, NEVER!

@food_ooh: yes!! i do the same thing!! i always say, "come on, can't we maintain at least a little romance?" however, most guys don't respond well to this tack. my boyfriend now goes out of his way to aim them in my direction because he knows it annoys me so much. ugh, boys are gross.

@monaflambe: i never fart in front of boyfriends. maintain a little romance, you know? however, my current boyfriend does not subscribe to this and farts around me all the time. he says that he's heard me fart in my sleep, but i think he's lying.

@NewsBunny: you're so cool, you're so cool, you're soooo cool!!!

my heart breaks for her and her little girl. i hope she finds a way to get some kind of closure.

@rose.of.many.thorns.colette: i had a really similar experience (see above). i don't think i would have decided to prosecute even if i had realized at the time that what happened to me was rape. the whole process is too traumatic. but it makes me sick sometimes to think about how he is probably out there doing this to

i lost my virginity when i was 15 to date rape. it took me until i was 18 to even realize that what happened to me was rape. i always wondered why i felt so weird and wrong about it. i just figured that because it was with my boyfriend at the time, it was just something that had happened between us.

my parents are super-liberal, crunchy granola hippies, and my whole life i thought they were enlightened and accepting of all different types of people. but pretty recently i got my nose pierced and when she saw it, my mom said, "people will think you're a lesbian because you have a big ring in your nose." i

@Ratinski: don't forget the weird white wingtips. wow, alliteration!

@Vivelafat says Vive La Obama: @Mkp-hearts-nyc: They also have a much more cohesive, collective culture than we do. An earlier poster theorized that it may have something to do with the fact that their culture doesn't emphasize individuality like ours does. So they wear wacky clothes to express themselves, whereas we

@kimkimi: pretty sure that's him in the pic up top.