Alayne Stone

@surfacenoise76: i really don't think george clooney is gay. what makes you say that?

forget her date, i want that dress SO BAD.

@vamusical: i love his spaz-tastic dance moves. it's the dorky arm-swinging that gets me. i could watch this for hours!

ughhhh, i hate having this issue... my bf and i are both poor starving students and are equally broke all the time, so we just split everything down the middle. i know it's unfair for me to ask him to pay for stuff. and yet... i really wish he would just take me out to dinner and pay for it. which does make me a bad

@Diziet_Sma: from shakespeare in love??? so disappointing! i prefer him bearded, and ten years younger.

@Thistledew: ha ha, i guess i'm a nonconformist because i have 2 audrey posters in my dorm room and am sort of an empirical slut.

dunununununununuhhh BAT DOGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!

@Eeva: actually, i kind of think she is a total idiot. her whole stick is basically, "look at me, i'm a cute girl saying really vile things! can you believe the disgusting things coming out of my mouth? adorable, right?" she's really not contributing anything to the discourse, nor do i think she's particularly funny.

i don't get sarah silverman's 'joke,' but i doubt i'd find it funny anyway.

@deuteragonist: i do this too (usually with my own earrings, though, as i buy a lot of earrings but rarely wear them and usually end up losing one of the pair relatively quickly). i hang on to the lone earrings because a lot of times they can be very easily altered into pretty pendant necklaces. i've done this with a

@Lazy Line Painter Jane: ugh! yes! this summer i ran into american apparel to buy a swimsuit for a last-minute beach trip. i was in a hurry and just grabbed a size L without trying the suit on, since the suits looked small. when i finally did try it on, it was TINY. i'm a size 6 - definitely not a large. what gives?

@Capital City Goofball: her problem was her ratty weave got all tangled up, and lord knows when your weave gets tangled in your ponytail elastic you're going to have to break something to get the knots out. unfortunately, i'm speaking from experience.

did anyone else really love his book the witches? that one was always my favorite, although it was extremely dark for a kid's book.

omg you guys i am so nervous, i DESPERATELY need some herb so i can chill the fuck out. but my stupid boyfriend has it all and he's not getting back until ten!!!!!

@TheVaginaWig: i am also (SUPPOSED!) to be writing a paper right now but am too nervous to think!!!!!

@FourthWaveBaby: i just left a similar comment below, but you articulated my position a lot better than i did!