Yes, I shouldve added the Texas part.
Yes, I shouldve added the Texas part.
The label looked legit to me. Apple cider without a doubt. Milk in the other one.
Theres 2 sides to this coin. Some white people arent actively racist, by the simple definition of the term, but since racism and white supremecy was created by white people then it is white peoples responsibility to put an abrupt and immediate end to it. Since the majority of non-racist white people are doing nothing…
Lol, and he doesnt know much of that either!
Yeah no shit. Hes been many peoples idol for decades it seems like.
If you think I am fake, then you definitely are fucking with fake people. You are posting on my posts just to fuck with a “fake person”. Im not misrepresenting a damn thing. If your skull is too dense to think that we cant be on the same side while having different views on how we handle shit.. thats your issue.…
Everything you said is true. I hadnt considered the computer side of things, just commercial construction and renovations. Ive been in this field for 13 years now and love it. It was cheap for schools, pays great from day one, provides opportunity to start your own business in the future, and although it could hurt…
The administration will just argue the fact that saying something is a “fireable offense” is not the same as saying someone SHOULD be fired for said offense. It’ll be the same as always, they say and do what they want.
Sometimes I watch Lord of the Rings when I can sleep. That place is beautiful. I can imagine race issues would be better where the population is nice and not just saying that they are nice.
They shouldve waited til he got up and let the next guy in line hit him. These people are incapable of learning past their already distorted views.
I was wondering the same thing. He obviously didnt come to his sense so what gives?
Ive complimented him several times. Thats not sucking up, its appreciating someones talent to make me laugh when reading something sad. Sometimes these political stories can get depressing and hard to read.
I did not think that food was racist, but that cotton decor probably was. That makes me a white loving, nazi troll.
We basically dont share the exact same opinions on these stories. While we can agree on some things, the others make him feel the need to post gifs behind me and call me a troll and a nazi.
Was he wearing american flag underwear? That is some WPS.
Its hard not to like her.
Thats great. There was no doubt that they would unite eventually. Theres another gap missing on the opportunity spectrum and that is apprenticeship training programs. Not everyone is meant for college and shouldnt think that is all there is. Plumbing, pipe fitting, welding, electrical etc, are all great careers that…
HCC was my 2nd job. This is my first semester since 2004 not taking classes or teaching. I quit to spend more time with my 5 year old son. I already miss helping people learnd but no regret tonsee my kid more. In another 7 or 8 he wont even want me around so Ill be back.
One cant.
Thats true. I guess I liked the structure personally and wouldnt change much from it when I had that job.