
How long until the first #notallsouthernwhitemen ?

I hate him but ive never heard of her.

I dont like queers (weirds) or gays (happy people).

David Gilmour is a much better guitarist, amd singer. Probably also racist.

We should put a not-racist, white confederate soldier with the black combat, confederate soldiers. Wait, google shows that neither existed.

Yeah, just like we dont care about slavery.

Wait, so this statue is on this dude’s private land? What’s the big issue then?

Why do these mean kids pick on the innocent, racist kids to the point that they cry? What has the world become?

I cant believe so many people are OK with her treatment based on her job. She is a black woman and is being treated this way because she is a black woman. Dont justify it by saying anything about her personal life.

The Colonnade Community is the best.

Oh snap!!!

You are 100% correct.

He was probably mentally ill and ultimately the victim.

Should have left out the part about the wolves. It’s otherwise spot on. Just be ready to hear the played out statistics about Detroit.

Blades of Steel was the only REAL hockey game.

Sometimes we look to hard to be offended. I hate knowing anyones sexual orientation, whether it is a person in real life or a character on tv or in a movie. Unless I am interested in them sexually, it shouldnt matter. People are people and get treated the way they treat me. Also, romance ruins action movies.

This contest looks to be rigged.

Lets fill up the government with trannies! Things are finally starting to look up after a disastrous year. Very poetic indeed.

Sex sells.

The internet. Making smart people smarter and dumb people dumber.