
White people have perfected the victim industry so much they need to put in on their damn resumes. For real I just can’t anymore.

As you’d expect, the comment section on the WaPo article are complete trash.

No, four is even.

Unless the child actually was bullied for calling others the “n” word, in which case this entire thing is bullshit.


You lose. And you just admitted you don’t know how to read.

If that’s what you get out of my posts, you need to learn how to read.

So are you saying that many, many men aren’t turned on by seeing the shape of a woman’s body?

But they almost all leave after they orgasm, no?

Would it be sexually harassing for me to walk around in some tight pants that show off my generous package and firm, shapely ass, especially in a work environment?

The “outrage machine” is only outraged when people try to change the status quo, like suggesting that women in a sexually alluring way is bad for not only society, but themselves personally.

Read for comprehension. She has copped to nothing that she didn’t explicitly state in her original interview.

Probably before they realize that the vast majority of human beings are too stupid to know how stupid they are and that their lack of nuance makes their opinions worthless.

I would think a feminist would want less overt sexuality on display in public for the simple fact that they want to be treated as a human being instead of a sexual object.

She’s not surprised, she’s disappointed at the lack of nuanced thought.

As Chappelle said, “If I’m dressed up like a cop, I can’t get angry if someone comes up to me and treats me like a cop.”

Good follow-up to the linked stories where this very conglomerate took those few words out of context. The context where they are true, and represent a spectrum of variables in the exercise of humans attempting to modify their social-sexual behaviors.

By taking those words out of context, and treating them as a

It is when you’re more concerned about animals’ wellbeing than black peoples’.

Concern troll is concerned

Animals become emotionally attached to each other and to their humans.