
LMAO, read the article. Theres no denying he is a shitbag. Just because I dont think southern food is racist doesn’t mean I font think Trump is a piece of shit person LOL. Whats sad is your attempted trolling of someone you dont ALWAYS agree with. People are different. Just get over it already.

No. I taught at a community college in Houston. Thats probably the difference, I guess.

Its a terrible thing but police cant handle people on drugs or people with mental illness. Their “brute force” technique, handed down from generation to generation, just kills these people. I dont know what the answer is but the standard cops showing up is a bad idea.

Maybe he should have thought about that before he went to trial with them, if thats gonna be his wack ass excuse for being a convicted murderer. What kind of defense is he looking for? LMAO.

Do these teachers not have upper management reviewing their curriculum? We had to have every class planned out, with our daily tasks listed, with all of the worksheets attached, levels of learning indicated, any videos etc, and then someone would review our curriculum. Itd also help if we had to miss class a call a

It was a hashtag meant for someone with that screen name that is following me around calling me a troll when we dont agree on every specific detail. Houston is great, for the most part,  and I dont think we have it as bad here as most places. Its been a good place for my adult life as far as my career and family is

Hes a racist shit bag for sure. Supremecist? Why not. He might as well be.

Not a good idea to do your illegal business stuff with the government following you around. No way hes banging kellyanne with his hot wife at home.

Its puts a level of importance on someone that makes them a target. I agree.

Thats crazy.

Old habits are hard to break.

Go away, Nazi.

I agree with you 100. Im not trying to say that why he did was right, but just that he was too ignorant to see the wrong in it. He thought he was appealing to them by giving them what he thought they would like. He shouldve just done something simple instead of trying to make people happy, or just let people pick when

You cannot strip these boys of their culture. Its important that they are known to be african american. White people tend to forget that since they are the “norm”.

Thanks for your feedback. Troll.

Im very serious that stereotypes are based off of facts of a majority of a group. They are not always accurate but they are also not racist. If a middleeastern person came over for dinner, I would not make pork... based off ansyereotype that they dont eat pork. Its not true of all of them but Id play that safe. Is

Shes beautiful and I was rooting for the same people as her.

I cant and probably will never like Trump as a president. I won’t and never will like Insane Clown Posse or their stupid following.

What about all other men, women, and children? This is too good to not share with everyone.

What an idiot. He got exactly what he deserved. I can’t believe people walk around with swastikas on their arms. Theres nothing better than watching a Nazi get KTFO. Worldstar!!