
That is exactly what I think. Otherwise EVERYONE is racist. I think white people make shitty tasting chicken. Thats a stereotype. I obviously havent tasted every white persons chicken, nor would I want to.

The part about cali was meant for the troll that follows me around saying I am racist and tries to turn everyone against me. I live in Houston, TX. Ive never been to California but Id like to one day.

Sadly, he may have gotten there being a fuckwit. Just because he is qualified for a higher learning position does not mean he knows shit about african culture and sensitivity. Most people like him are hardcore booksmart and complete idiots at the same time. Either way, ignorance is no excuse for anything but maybe hes

I didnt apologize for anyone. Quit trying to troll me. Feeding southern food to african americans is not racist. The cotton decor is weird though. Neither is an apology.

Maybe I am just thinking this guy is dumber than he is. Ive seen those cotton arrangements at a few places. Not sure who buys them or if he made a special trip to get them. Everyone with an ounce of brain shouldve connected those dots. I cant find a way to forgive that or try to make it make sense. Its dumb. But trump

Stereotypes are not racist, sexist, or offensive to me. Most stereotypes are true. There are several examples of real life stereotypes that portray truth among a large group of african americans. I would have eaten everything they listed at the dinner and loved it. There are stereotypes for everything, every race,

People that love dogs THIS MUCH make me sick.

Basura for sure.

Very well said.

Well, scratch that off the list. I guess I will have to stick to just talking to my kid.

I hear you. I may think on this more and feel different about it tomorrow. Its hard to guess what that man was thinking and it couldve been an innocent, yet ignorant, guess on the menu for both nights... or he couldve thought it was funny amd bragged about it at the country club with his golfing friends. I feel like

They were probably too busy high-fiving and back patting each other for even teaching african american history in the first place. You would think that ONE person would have said, “Uhhhhhhh... maybe we should do this differently....”.

I used to teach at Houston Community College and this role play crap was really annoying as a teacher, but an effective way to stop them from staring at their phones. Reading, lecture, and worksheets are not near as effective in learning as is class discussion and “role play”. I dont think Id want the responsibility

Its a terrible thing that the public school systems wants the other races to know the history of our culture and the pain we have been through to get where we are today.

Thats sad when that is the surprising part of the story.

Very good point. I believe the Slavic people are the most angry but only made up a small portion of the student body.

But I dont like squirrel. How could I be country?

You are awesome. Keep it up.

Thanks for your feedback, racist.
