
I guess I have been lucky, or fortunate, not to suffer daily but I definitely have been mocked, judged, and harrassed by the way I look and the area I grew up in. I understand peoples person opinions are based on their past experience so we will not all agree 100 on some things. That being said, I know what Im cooking

Yeah. I hear you. Lol.

Sometimes I talk about unproductive protests that flood the streets and create havoc for no reason. This is not one of those. What a stupid day in history when that officer was found not guilty. The judge, court system, and police department need to know how we feel and right now, this way seems pretty effective.

Thats a patient dude. Late night, drunken hours, ubering has to really let you see into people that are too drunk to filter their real feelings.

Ill eat any brand mac and cheese but not big on green beans unless theres some bad ass seasoning added to it. Also, bring some cornbread. Ill handle the the main entree. Probably steak and jalapeno sausage... with some bacon wrapped chicken and jalepenos. I hope this meal isnt offensive to you but it sure as hell

Yeah. Youre probably right.

Yup. Old, white lady looking for special treatment. She didnt get it and THAT is a headline.

Correct. If someone invited me over to break bread with them and then based the dinner choice on what they BELIEVED I would like... they would be an asshole, especially if I actually liked it.

If I was invited to someones house, and they prepared thay dinner, I dont think that I would think they were racist. Id be asking questions about the cotton plants though. Maybe Im too trusting.

Nah. That parts not racist. He invited them over for dinner and wanted them to enjoy the food. It was ignorance, not racism. The cotton part though...

Itd be the last time he spit on someone.

Its not only white people that are racist.

Agreed 100.

LMAO at food being racist. He may have based the meal on a stereotype he believed in but that just means he was trying to feed people what he thought they liked... the cotton centerpieces are ugly. Ive seen them in stores and guessed that country people must like that look. That was definitely a mistake. Maybe hes


I think most of us moved past AB after all this NFL business, but thats another good enough reason.

Because there is no respawn?

Lets start with Iphones. If anyone can make shit happen, its Apple.

All very good points made in a court of law.

Other than death and terrorism, is there any other use for that “knot”? Why would anyone learn to tie it when there are several other useful knots they could learn? They know how to hang people but not keep their shit from flying out their trucks all over the highway.