Nah, its still funny. How does a person shoot himself? Its funny that he felt he could blame us and people would believe him... and they didnt. Its funny on several levels. Racist jackass shoots himself and is embarrassed nationally. Im going to forget the reasons you dont think it’s funny and just laugh, because I…
LMFAO. Unbelievably believable.
I just spent 1400 on a wooden pole to hook my elecricity back up. Id have just stolen one but.... nah, I dont want to be on The Root, “Light Skinned Black Man Caught With Pole On Top of Shitty Ass Old Hoopty”.
I still dont understand why people care if other people sit, stand, or kneel during the anthem. Its just a song. Its probably time for an update - Lets do the Ruff Ryder’s Anthem instead.
Smart woman.
Who were you quoting? Yes, I understand what a protest is. I also understand that we should be protesting the people that we consider our opposers, not the general public. If we are opposing the police, then we should be opposing the police. If we are opposing statues we should be at the statues or they mayors office…
Yeah, I thought the same thing.
I hate how familiar this sounds.
I see death penalty in his future.
Equinsu Ocha! Equinsu Ocha!
Wouldnt they just prefer to have clients paying for rooms?
Almost spit my water on that one.
I agree with you. Just a militia of traitors to the country that got their asses kicked. I have a long conversation discussing the rest of what I said already but the FACT of it is if any other group rebelled and split our nation, and we won, we would not tolerate their statues and flags remaining to be on display.…
It’s funny, like I said we talked to them about it a week ago and heard their side out, and they heard ours out. They didn’t say anything to us but when I got up this morning, that flag, which was tacked on the wall in the garage, was gone. Maybe they are dry cleaning it but maybe they just learned something. I saw it…
Their parents are too busy teaching bigotry?
I loved the part where his lawyer asked, “How well do you think you are going to do on Tinder?”. The rest of it sucks. The police often seem not to care about their effect on people’s lives. It wouldve taken no time to add this man’s innocence while they celebrated the arrest of the other man. Shame. Another well…
That 11% one got me. 11% feel that all races should not be created equal or they don’t care if they are created equal. That’s wild. Maybe I didn’t read that right...
The article was weird showing how he defends middle eastern women and opposes Trump. Couldn’t they just shine the shit light on him like he deserves?