
LMAO I didnt.


No. I just don’t see things exactly how you do and you assume your view is universal.

I’m sorry you feel that way but what I said is a mix of fact and opinion based on MY life where I live and the people around me in MY part of the world. I admit that everyone’s mileage may vary based on their own set of factors and I’m rude to noone here with a different opinion. Some people think I am trolling but

Very true.

Uhhhh yeah. It said so, right there in the article. My question was what makes that a true statement in his mind? Clearly he is defending her but that is not an actual answer. Why you gotta troll so much?

The right person could be violent, a psychiatrist, mental health doctor, etc. Whoever it is, I hope they find him. He needs some tweaking. As far as my life goes, I’m pretty laid back.

I love you too.

Yeah, his anger had nothing to do with coffee. That’s not something that someone says off the top of their head.

Why are you harassing me?

If you want to. It’s none of my concern. Be careful of the Jews though.

Exactly, but the country music executives are trying to cover it up to make it something else. They want it to be a hate crime against a middle eastern woman by a homeless white man.

This is going to change EVERYTHING.

Or fly the American flag upside down. I think there’s just some redneck magic in that flag. It’s especially weird when they fly the American flag WITH the confederate, or as they call it... The REBEL flag.

I get what you’re saying.

Sometimes, I honestly just think that they like the way it looks LOL. It’s a simpleton statement to make but I don’t think they understand a bit of the history. And why would they care to learn?

Very well said.

Someone like him would never give me the time of day. I’ve seen his type before. They look at us like we are less. Something in their eyes. They dont HAVE to say a word.

I’m impressed it took the full 20 minutes to get that result.

Wow. That cop had some patience that day.