
Thanks. It’s not too terrible now. Just waiting on the insurance check then new floors, walls, furniture, and appliances. Living with these people, and them and their friends helping clean out our house, has been a real eye opener to us but we realize this is probably not the norm but it gives just a bit of hope that

That’s about as demeaning as a person can be. I hope the right person finds him.

Yeah. I ‘got it’ a long time ago. These same ‘racist’ people spent a lot of time helping my family, and other families of color during the Harvey flood and also gave us a place to stay until our remodel work is complete. Was that just to show off their big trucks, guns, and white privilege? I hope they don’t invite

That is correct.

You are correct. Black cops kill black people all the time. So sorry for your offense.

Great. Thanks for your contribution. /s

Pretty good. We had to put Citronella in them to keep the mosquitoes away after the hurricane.

Thats what I tell them. There is already an Anarchy symbol. If you want it southern, put a cowboy hat on it.

/s = said with sarcasm.

Ok. Will do.

I guess they don’t know most of the people I know then...

It’s OK. I just wish the flag of traitors pissed of the government like it does us. I’ll never understand them allowing the flag of their enemy, that they defeated, to be displayed around the south like it is. The same with the monuments.

Yeah. That’s what I said. They think one way and I think the other.

You’re the one using their style of editing to push your personal agenda.

I’m not fantasizing about murder of anyone. You’re the one promoting a style of protest that ends in death while saying it is more productive.

Did you miss the part where I said I know what it meant originally and that’s what I think when I see it?

Sometimes we have to sacrifice to get what we want. I think we all agree on that.

And I also look forward to yours, I’ll read ‘More protesters murdered by automobile. Racism nears an end.”

Most people I know, in Texas anyway, take the flag as more of a southern anarchy against government type of thing, basically how he phrased it. I know what it meant originally and think about that when I see it. ‘Slaves For Sale’? That’ll get you fucked up.

She’s actually a country singer. The homeless man was also a struggling musician. The following link has more information on both. The “rap” video was for her company that deals with extreme sports, hence skiing being in a ‘rap song.