
A few days ago i commented on some guide article about how this website sure has changed and someone replied “elaborate”. And well... now this happened.

I was just thinking last when reading an article of yours last week, “Luke’s still here.” But damn, I guess it truly is the end of an era for Kotaku now. I wish you the best in your future endeavors.

Waypoint shut down, All of Giant Bomb’s original folks moved on, now the last of the oldschool Kotaku writers leaves the site. I know that most of these folks have other projects ongoing, but it does seem like a lot of my old standard bookmarks aren’t what they used to be, for better or worse.

I’ve been around these parts on and off since 2009, feels like the last OG is leaving the building. Not that we had a great rapport or anything, but you were a stalwart of the site. Good luck in your future pursuits. 

I mean let’s all be serious, they did such a shit job it would have been cheaper to not do it at all. I’ve yet to see anyone call their strategy anything other than terrible. Even this site agrees it was bad. If you’re going to do your job, maybe don’t suck at it. 

The Access controller is a truly unique piece of equipment that puts Sony far ahead of its competitors trying to bring more people into the gaming space.

Its really very simple, most Democrats believe in ethics, integrity, and believing people at their word.. And most republicans are essentially liars/cheats.. So when you have a situation where one side will use WHATEVER to get in office/power and one side that at least tries to be honest/ethical (with supporters that

Sony is still making more money than ActivisionBliz and microsoft combined currently. this deal makes microsoft the 3rd largest in the gaming market. blocking this merger is really just providing Sony an opportunity to solidify a monopoly they have been barreling towards since the xbox one flopped.

Kinda depends on who he told. The minimum wage cog selling week old hot dogs or sweeping up in the parking lot isn’t going to give a fuck because it’s not their job and they ain’t paid enough to care. Nor do they have the authority to do... well... anything, much less shut down a major attraction.  Bringing a problem

One of the game’s strengths is its humor- there is some very amusing chatter between enemies, and quite a lot of variety of it (can’t recall overhearing the some convos even twice). And the cast of minor characters are all funny weirdos. It’s really helps to balance the tough fights and the increasingly dark plot.

clearlyLooking at the image, the crack isn’t on a weld line; it’s a failure in the vertical post starting above where the diagonal joins it. It’s clearly a stress-focus fracture, but it’s not a weld failure. I would think an outside diagonal would support the stress better, but I'm not a mechanical engineer.

“As part of our comprehensive safety protocols, all rides, including Fury 325, undergo daily inspections to ensure their proper functioning and structural integrity.”

Given maintenance teams are supposed to visually inspect the track on coasters every day before giving the goahead to operate and the crack was visibly forming at least a week before it was caught, you've got to wonder what the Hell they were looking at during those track walks.

If they keep going to this park, it probably won’t even need to be for that long.

The number one thing you should never point out to Sony fans is that the placement of the analog sticks is wrong — the d-pad and left analog stick should be swapped. anyone actually waiting on a patch for this game? There’s like 7.9 trillion other games to play, why bother waiting on this one?

Oh no! You bought a game you were looking forward to playing literally YEARS before this remake comes out! 

Sad but unsurprising. When a small publisher decides to develop their own (relatively) big budget game, it’s an all or nothing scenario. Either the game sells well and the publisher continues internal development or the game flops and the publisher drops internal development entirely. Thankfully, System Shock seems to

Skull & Bones feels like it should have been a spiritual successor to Black Flag. Why they decided to go with a live service naval combat multiplayer game instead of just making an open-world pirate action RPG will always baffle me.

Gotta love how this is being talked about like it’s an unsolved problem, as if there aren’t two major competitors who figured out this issue two console generations ago. Not that we shouldn’t be, of course—it just shows how skeptical we are of Nintendo’s ability to get this right on a basic level, lmao