At least they’re different sports lol.
At least they’re different sports lol.
Who would have thought making multiple games with the same basic premise, same consumer base, and releasing them close to each other might impact sales and consumer fatigue. I am shocked! SHOCKED!
You know what the worst thing about Shadowkeep is?
I just did the deal to upgrade your Xbox Live Gold deal to Game Pass Ultimate for $2. Bought 3 years worth at costco and locked it in for 3 years, haven’t regretted it.
I preloaded it last week on my Xbox One X the minute I saw it was on Gamepass. Xbox has really outdone themselves with this subscription. It’s changed how I play games all together. In a good way, I might add.
Microsoft sometimes feels like they’re not even trying.
It works just like PS4. Look, I know you are trying to play dumb just because you are afraid or trying to be loyal from one brand to another, but you’re not trying very hard to hide it.
I’m glad someone else gets this. They botched the XB1 launch, but they had some very cool ideas that people were too busy screaming over to hear.
By not reading it
how can you read this article and come away with that take.
You absolutely can, I do it all the time.
There can only be one Mike Pence.
Not sure what you mean by “this game never changed and continues to not change” because quite a lot has changed with Shadowkeep.
too bad she didn’t try to kill people with a gun or homemade explosives, she might would have got to broadcast longer
Now if only we could get an audio filter for loud high-pitched screaming, fan noise, and low quality music
The funny thing is, he doesn’t have to get overtly political at all to denounce violence and hate. There are plenty of other big name LPers who don’t get political at all but still manage to have an overall message of positivity and acceptance. Three large channels I can think of would be Markiplier, Jacksepticeye,…
Tracer as playable fighter, Pharah/Mercy as an unbearable duo assist trophy that’s basically impossible to kill.
The guy tries to have his cake and eat it. His defenders will claim “oh no, he’s not a games journalist now, he’s just a presenter of gaming shows”. But then those shows will feature him having fake ‘interviews’ with developers to give the impression that he’s still got some sort of press hat on. He’s a shameless…
Or like if issues of Famitsu magazine were usable items in MGS: Peace Walker.