
I’m sure that—just like with the PSN ID naming system using the literal screen name as the unique database key and preventing Sony from implementing a name change feature for over 10 years—there’s some really dumb reason for this 1000-file cap that yet again exemplifies how horrid or shortsighted Sony tends to be when

I recently rewatched the whole series, and I didn’t think Phantom Menace was that bad. Attack of the Clones is so much worse. The outdated CGI is way overused compared to Phantom Menace, which relied on a surprising amount of practical effects. Anakin comes off as such an unlikable creep. Padme is rightfully turned

Dude.... This article wasn’t even about Epic man. It was about the indie studio and how they have been harassed to no end for simply doing the smart choice of taking an exclusivity deal that’s beneficial for them. It’s easy to talk about integrity and not selling out, but making games is fucking hard man.

I’m just here for the comments where someone tries to defend NOT installing a free client that doesn’t effect them in the least, and how I’m the idiot for not seeing “the truth”.

The Republicans will use ANYTHING they can to deflect blame from the fact that they have been sticking their toes in the waters of racism since Nixon, and stoking the flames of hate and violence the whole time. They refuse to do anything sensible about gun violence. They refuse to address their racist base of violent

No. I think we’re in hubris vanity project territory here.

How we got to this point:

I mean, they’re not wrong, but I’d say that’s more a condemnation of their own games than the Switch as a platform. What are their big moneymakers right now? The Sims 4, licensed sports games, Battlefield/Battlefront, and Apex Legends. I’d prefer to play The Sims on a PC with mouse and keyboard over any console,

Especially after the Game Pass Ultimate deal they did for E3.

So it’s not great, and that’s what I came to post.

The controllers are fine. There’s some dust or dirt that got inside them.

So, you didn’t even mention the very common Mountaintop-boosting lobbies, where people queue up to take turns killing each other in packs for the grenade launcher multikill medals. It’s a sight to behold.

It was one of the pinnacle weapons from last season and the main reason people want it now is because it’s part of the meta for raids and such for damage dealing the bosses. Grenade launchers recently got a 50% buff to damage to make them more viable so now a straight firing, spike grenades grenade launcher in a Luna W

Of the ten heroes released after the game launched, Sigma is the first white man.

He didn’t say the attack was about gender discrimination. He said that as tragic as this already was, it’s even more tragic that the studio was one of the few dedicated to gender equality, and that many of the lost lives were likely to be future female leaders in the Japanese animation industry.

What kind of mental issue does someone need to have to get on here and post “I don’t have a problem, therefor the thousands and thousands of people who do have this problem must be jelly-covered toddlers”?

Best line:

That doesn’t invalidate any of his facts or valid criticisms of GameFreak’s practices. 

I think the implication is that being rejected by his Beat Generation heroes soured him on the whole movement, then he was absorbed into the establishment after taking the cushy Sugarman corner office job, just as he feared.