Yeah, this is not going to work.
Yeah, this is not going to work.
Weren’t there only two sequels? And while I never played all the way through 3, I remember liking 2 well enough.
I’m hoping that through Guillermo Del Toro, Kojima gets a shot at actually making a movie. Because that’s what he’s always trying to do in the back of his mind as he makes his games.
Give him a chance to make a movie for Hollywood.
Because I want to see him fail and wake up to the fact that he’s not at Guilllermo’s…
That’s the belief. MGS V went hugely over budget in both money and time and caused the issues between Kojima and Konami.
I have a friend who finally purchased a PS3 in the past year or so who’s been borrowing several old games from me, and yeah I can’t help but be a tad jealous that he’s going to experience the fun of playing games like Mass Effect, Uncharted, and Assassins Creed for the first time while so many of us are now somewhat…
I...don’t think you have played Overwatch.
so still all cutscenes and no gameplay... so far all this game is getting by on is kojima’s name. otherwise people would be questioning all this psychological bs. best not to get TOO hyped guys. we havent seen kojima be successful on his own yet. for all we know he was only ever good on a leash with people telling him…
But liberals are smug and condescending when they point out these people are idiotic fucknuts.
“That’s been around forever. If you keep reporting on it, it’s going to grow like a cancer,” Paula said. “If you forget about it, it’s probably going to go away. The media has to hop on everything and it’s wrong.”
Capcom vs. Blizzard, I’d buy that.
I definitely remember being excited for Azurik, and being very let down. The line about Halo looking comparable to Ocarina of Time is utter bullshit. Halo was the best looking game ever made upon it’s release, and wasn’t legitimately dethroned until Halo 2 or Far Cry a few years later. Hell, it was the first major…
I think HRC is smart to have someone else do this on her behalf. If I were I’d stay as far away from this as possible. If it fails she won’t look like a sore loser. And if succeeds she might become President, although it’s probably wishful thinking.
The third party candidates had the same statistics the rest of us did, hell even Gary Johnson’s VP was stumping for Hillary towards the end. With HRC in office, we’d still have almost half the nation completely disaffected and angry, but we wouldn’t also be staring down the barrel of a worldwide economic collapse.
Reading comprehension is a great thing, you should look into it. In this case you would notice the word BRAWL up there. As in the Arcade brawl... where you have 75% off your cooldowns and are tossing out shields every 2.5 seconds or so.
Yep, game’s still pretty hostile to players who live outside cities...
Hmm... Not sure how I feel about the moving shield, it might do really well at higher levels but at the lower ranks it’s hard enough to get people to stand behind RH’s giant wall. I’m game to see it in action though. The lower turret time is nice as well as the slightly longer gun range. The team shield ult will be…
Ikaruga the platformer.
“...Melania is extremely close to Baron,” the source told the Post, “and they have become closer during the campaign...”
Thank you. And its not like these external drives are huge and take up a ton of space - external drives are very slim these days, and they all get power directly from USB (unless you are talking the 6TB+ models).
I don’t get the obsession with replacing a hard drive when you can just plug in a very large external HD. At first I was disappointed with being unable to replace the drive, but now it’s a million times easier. Plus with all my games on the drive if my Xbox dies I just unplug and go. No need to spend hours…