Funny, most people thought that TTK’s handling of leveling was one of the best improvements to the game.
Funny, most people thought that TTK’s handling of leveling was one of the best improvements to the game.
Wow. These people are frighteningly out of touch.
Articuno is real, OK? This is a good bird, the best bird. I’ve seen many, many birds and I’ve created thousands of nests. If I was elected to head of Pokémon GO I’d work on legendaries, because legendaries are low, it’s incredible. And I would create more creatures in the inner cities, which is what I really do best,…
2016 is a fucking mess, Patricia.
“Jason just told me to calm down. I better send him a death threat instead!”
Somehow this will end up being your fault
Except that the in-game tracker was NOT cheating and was a big and important part of the game. With that disabled, you need SOMETHING to track nearby Pokémon.
That theory by the Epic Games President sounds awfully paranoid to me. Is there evidence that MS has been purposely hampering Steam’s performance in Windows? I’m genuinely curious; I have no opinion on, or stake in, the issue, as I never use Windows and very rarely use Steam.
I thought it was on-par with some of the better Godzilla Versus films. They’re always slow-paced and lumbering with most of the action saved for the end.
Yes, because Trump’s voice is sweet, gentle and music to the ears. He never raises his voice. And he smiles constantly! So it’s completely fair to expect the same of Hillary.
I’m not surprised.
Fatal Frame.
the whole “Believe” marketing campaign was brilliant and gut wrenchingly sad.
Microsoft via Halo owns several of my most favorite and memorable marketing trailers/campaigns. This ODST one was simply *amazing* and Halo 3's ‘Believe’ marketing campaign shot with documentary style interviews of old soldiers legitimately gave me chills. (If you haven’t watched them, do so now!)
I still get shivers watching this one.
My initial reaction to the mother was probably a lot like the initial reaction she must have had to her daughter’s stream. But, by the end of the story, the thought “mother of the year” actually popped into my mind. Kudos to a parent who found a way to connect with her kid and Kudos for an interesting read (nice…