I liked Love and Thunder, but even then it felt like it wasted a lot of storytelling opportunities with Jane and Gorr.
I liked Love and Thunder, but even then it felt like it wasted a lot of storytelling opportunities with Jane and Gorr.
There’s definitely a lot of recency bias at play here with regards to how Phase 4 & 5 are being viewed. I think the biggest issue is that the recent phases just haven’t had a standout critical hit for the post Endgame slate of films.
Sadly it’s been like this for a while, and why I barely comment or engage with posts anymore.
My PC is pretty decent, although ever-more modest: AMD Ryzen 5 5600X, 32GB RAM, with a GeForce RTX 3070.
I wonder if all this will eventually lead to Rasputin being resurrected (again technically) as a Guardian. The lore has made it pretty explicit that the Traveler values sacrifice. This entire season has culminated in Rasputin reaffirming its humanity, loyalty, and even gaining the pieces of a body before sacrificing…
They’ve done a great job tricking people into thinking that paying for an online subscription that gives you the option to pay $100 for two old games is a good deal. Games that would normally cost $20 on sale if they were made by literally any other publisher.
This feels a bit... I dunno sad? It’s like watching a guy that peaked in high school commission a replica of their original letterman jacket or something.
Sony had a weirdly strong year, but due to how long it takes to develop AAA games they’ll probably have a few lower output years from 1st parties.
I really hope this pushes MS to make some more meaningful improvements to their next iteration of their Elite controllers. Replaceable thumbsticks and actual quality materials for the triggers and shoulder buttons would be a great start. Not to mention ditching the cheap rubber grips that inevitably come off after a…
I keep forgetting that the PS5 came out two years ago mostly because it’s been impossible to find one in stores up until recently, and even that is mostly a gamble.
I stopped playing Origins right after the tutorial ended and the map zoomed out and showed roughly 100 different side objectives to complete. Just noped right out and uninstalled.
I wouldn’t say the Far Cry games are a Just Cause clone. Especially since none of them feature the destruction or ridiculous action that the JC games have. Not to mention Far Cry predates the first Just Cause.
I’m fairly certain a lot of there products are just rebadged versions of the same generic hardware that Binbok, DOKOY, and countless other unknown Alibaba/Amazon resellers use.
I recently got a Split Pad, and while it’s more comfortable than the regular Joycons, it’s still not fully there in terms of ergonomics. I think the grips could still be a bit wider for easier grasp, and it’s weirdly bulky considering it also lacks batteries, rumble or gyro.
It was great for 1st party games designed around it’s layout, but it sucked for 3rd party games because it was both missing a shoulder button, clickable thumb sticks, and the C-stick was terrible at camera control.
I agree with you, I think most people just remember the GC controller fondly due to nostalgia, and because it was fine for 1st party Nintendo games that were built with the controller in mind. A lot of 3rd party games frankly sucked because the GC controller was missing a shoulder button and the C-stick wasn’t a real…
As a new Switch owner one of my biggest gripes is the lack of quality 3rd party Joycon alternatives. They trade off either on build quality or features.
Are they actually making these themselves or are they just rebadging a generic Alibaba controllers?
And it doing so somewhat retroactively makes The Mandalorian worse as well.
I didn’t dislike The Good Dinosaur, it’s very middling by Pixar standards but it wasn’t unpleasant to watch.