Is the name supposed to be a play on Wendigo or Missingno?
Is the name supposed to be a play on Wendigo or Missingno?
Nah, this is entirely Gamefreak being incompetent at building game engines because they refuse to invest in hiring more talent.
Gamefreak is notorious for being terrible at coding.
This is why I’m thankful for Gamepass. I can try out these weird little indie gems and see if I want to give them more of my time.
On one hand Sonic Frontiers doesn’t look particularly good relatively speaking when compared against non-Sonic games.
How is this the first I’ve heard of Eidos helping with Fable?
Yeah, it likely has way more to do with him getting better offers for film and the fact that shooting for a show takes way longer. Why be forced to be on location for shooting for half a year when you could shoot for a film in a couple months and potentially get paid more.
Dr. Cop is just House Md.
What a weird take.
I’ve heard speculation that on consoles the game forces Ray Tracing to always be on instead of offering a performance mode with baked lighting, and this is why it’s locked to 30fps.
It was probably one of the best implementations of loot boxes I’ve seen, since they were easy to earn, and duplicate items refunded you currency that could be used to direct purchase whatever items you wanted.
The worst part about the Battle Pass system with this game is that with only 80 tiers, the quantity of cosmetics has also decreased and if one of the heroes you enjoy playing isn’t feature, well then tough luck!
I think a part of it is also just how insular and cliquey the company is, due to the fact that it was basically founded by a bunch of bro-ey close friends. Anyone not in the inner circle is going to have a shit time
Also “Fuck the AIB’s”, since the 4080 12GB was the only one without a Founders Edition.
It’s very apparent that this game was made piecemeal by different design teams that did not communicate design intent with each other.
When he stops making his enablers money.
The heist in the last 3 episodes felt like what Solo could have been, had if it had enough time to properly flesh out the characters.
And they’ve officially shut down servers with no warning as of 1 minute go.
Nah, you have to stay and fight. I can’t imagine anything worse than the most powerful country in the world falling into the hands of the far right.
Even though I love Divinity, this is definitely a needed change. The power creep players have gotten since the Light 3.0 changes have been ridiculous.