
Yeah, definitely prefer having the chance to earn something for free by grinding for it, rather than being forced to spend $10+ for a cosmetic.

Well the Gold currency in OW1 also meant you could essentially buy whatever cosmetics you wanted without spending real money as well. You just had to play enough to earn gold, which was also fairly easy since you got awarded gold whenever you got duplicates.

Honestly I’m going to miss the loot boxes in OW because of how easy they were to earn. I much prefer having a free (if random) chance of earning cosmetics than paying ridiculous amounts of money in some item shop.

Microsoft needs to get serious about throwing additional studios at this game to get it into a state players are happy about, or otherwise I don’t see this lasting another 2 years at this rate of change.

The current crop of writers on this site feel like a parody of the old articles we used to get before the big Spanfeller exodus a while ago. Like we’re just repeating the same old jokes and hot takes but “extra”.

This generation of console hardware is honestly amazing price to performance, and offers a few features that have yet to be fully implemented on PC’s as well.

I can already see him burning the brand to the ground and then selling it off.

Don’t forget they basically paid Capcom to make the Street Fighter franchise a PS console exclusive and then also bought EVO to lock down the fighting circuit.

I remember watching that SOCOM come out and essentially being DOA due to the PSN hack.

It wouldn’t be a Gamepass article if Ari didn’t inject his own personal hot takes.

It wouldn’t be a Gamepass article if Ari didn’t inject his own hot takes into it.

This is almost certainly the result of the studio outsourcing their art.

Frankly I love that he’s talking shit about SE, even if it’s all just stuff people had already figured out from the outside.

Very true.

I actually had the opposite reaction, where I found the gameplay engaging (though not ground breaking) while I found the story very contrived. I was very burnt out on ‘dad stories’ by this point, in both games and film, and while the story was well told it was something I had seen multiple times by that point.

This is about as believable as when Rocksteady claimed that the Arkham Knight wasn’t Jason Todd and was an original character.

Yeah I remember seeing the tech demo and it looked so different that I’m not even sure what the connection to the first game is supposed to be other than humanoid animals.

Considering how popular super hero films have been at the box office, it’s kind of weird how we don’t get more super hero games outside of Batman and Spiderman.

I could go into whole 20 min rant about why this show was disappointing and get technical with complaints about the writing, cinematography, and score.

Honestly it feels that after the last round of staff departures, all the new writers are just constantly spewing out hot takes trying to emulate the old “edgy-blog” vibe that Kotaku used to have, without any of the same compelling writing.