
The best thing to happen to the Xbox brand was getting Phil Spencer in charge, and having Satya Nadella running MS.

Isn’t ESO’s subscription optional though? I remember trying it through GP without subscribing.

The problem is that Sony would never go for it.

Sony would have to cut a deal with Square Enix or Capcom for them to compete, but even then I’m not sure if that would put them on the same level. The big EA and Activision franchises have way more mainstream appeal than say Final Fantasy or Resident Evil, not to mention have fairly regular yearly releases.

You don’t seem to understand that it takes years for a studio to put out a new release, to say nothing of AAA titles.

I feel the exact opposite. Gamepass always puts all new releases front and center on the app. Plus there have been a ton of indie titles I’ve tried out specifically because I didn’t have to risk buying a title I’d never heard of.

I tried it out on Gamepass and wasn’t particularly impressed by anything other than the art direction.

Damn, really wish I had been able to get online and play one last game.

The Arcane Sentinel Beam is one of the most powerful weapons in the game. It’s even better when you give it to a bunch of marines and load them into the Razorback since the NPC’s have infinite ammo. So just ride around and watch them instantly melt every enemy you come across.

I had a friend who thought he hated Mass Effect because he struggled with the early Mako combat sections, until I told him he could zoom in with the cannon and just snipe enemies.

I can’t imagine trying to wear a mask that I’d need to plug in and charge.

Maybe I’m just getting matched with a different level of player but I haven’t been killed by the Mangler all that often, and when I did I never felt it was ever unfair or unjustified.

I think it took so long precisely because the movie came out, so all the attention got focused on that, and when it didn’t perform well the studio interest in adapting it as an animation dried up.

I remember not liking the film when I first watched it because it was extremely rushed, Scott was generally unlikeable (which is intentional, but like you said his character arc was crunched down to the last 20 mins of the film), and him and Ramona had no chemistry.

I think animation has been an exception to the Netflix cancellation spree mostly because it isn’t as heavily reliant on big name stars (Bojack being the exception) and it becomes easier to schedule and produce. Plus I imagine the costs are generally lower as well.

And to no one’s surprise the EGS is being swamped and is currently inaccessible.

Yeah but if there actually that many bots & players in a game, you’d see them in person on the map and not just as nametags in the distance.

Currently I feel like bots are an active detriment to the team their on because their AI difficulty is set so low. No idea why 343 decided to set the bot skill so low at Recruit level when the Test Flight had them at competent but fair ODST level difficulty.

I’ve seen that but it usually just means a ton of people joined and quit and were replaced by a different bot each time. I highly doubt there were 8 people on a team all at once.

Cortana’s speech to Chief at the end felt like a direct message from 343 to longtime fans, an apology of sorts for the misteps they’ve taken.