If it does it’s not noticeable enough to give you an advantage in a fight.
If it does it’s not noticeable enough to give you an advantage in a fight.
Nope. I’m playing it on Steam.
It’s been a while since I’ve been excited about a Halo game, but goddamn all the multiplayer footage of this game just looks so fun.
Well it doesn’t normally look like my cup of tea, but with Game Pass it doesn’t really matter since I can try and uninstall without remorse.
I can already see so many parents accidentally buying the wrong type of SSD for their child’s PS5.
Considering that it has such a low resolution, I can kind of believe their claims.
I’m somewhat skeptical since both Amazon and Google have tried and largely failed at developing their own IP’s (Amazon at least got a couple out the door) after discovering how difficult it is to develop games.
Lots of great stuff coming up, can’t wait for Hades to drop next month.
Having played the Raji demo, I liken it to Cuphead because it falls under the category of “games I enjoy watching but aren’t enjoyable to actually play”.
They already tried for the Battle Royale money with Hyper Scape, which had some neat ideas but came out too late and flopped hard.
I’m not sure if there’s an exact name for the genre that Strike Force is, but you hit the nail on the head.
Just give a new Splinter Cell game you cowards!
Even way back in the day of cartridges games would release buggy and broken, there was just no way to go back and fix them sort of a rerelease. Which is why there are “Gold” versions of classic games that fixed bugs and added new content.
I was probably one of the minority that didn’t complain too much about Microsoft’s original plan (though the always online aspect was dumb). But the industry was already in the process of moving to an all digital system anyways. Steam was already in the midst of revitalizing PC gaming, and both the 360 and PS3 were…
I mean Gamepass allows you to download titles in addition to streaming, which I think it a good compromise. Not to mention you can still purchase games physically or digitally (with a bonus discount too).
I guess the closest equivalent to old video stores would be Redbox, which owns physical disks for films/games yet also has its own streaming service as well.
Yeah the great thing about Gamepass is that I end up trying a ton of titles I would have never otherwise thought to play.
I see they’re taking the PS Vita approach to storage.
Just how quickly can you run games off an SD card vs a proper SSD?
I think the diskless PS5 looks fine, but the disk-in version looks like it has a tumor growing out of it.