ID was basically reduced to making mobile spin-offs for their franchises for the 7 years between Doom 3 and Rage, and that game had a really muted reception.
ID was basically reduced to making mobile spin-offs for their franchises for the 7 years between Doom 3 and Rage, and that game had a really muted reception.
Rare is an instance where the studio heads basically bailed as soon as they got bought by MS. So it’s less MS driving them into the ground and more the creators cashing out once they got the money.
I highly doubt the DLSS rumors.
I think people vastly over exaggerated what a Switch mid-cycle refresh would be. All the talk about new Nvidia SOC’s with DLSS support was wildly overblown, especially considering how Nintendo rarely goes all in on cutting edge tech.
I’m not really sure why EA and other companies have a reputation for MTX in their games and Valve doesn’t (beyond the CS knife skin and Hat Fortress 2 memes).
This game could have blown up like Hearthstone. Now it’s consigned to the trashbin of failed games due to Valve’s greed.
I’m sure they did, but thought that the combination of the brand name alone would have been able to carry it to success.
Imagine if EA had tried to pull something like this. The white hot fury that would have poured forth would have solved the world energy crisis.
There’s a reason there are 3rd party DS controllers that follow the Xbox analog stick layout, and not Xbox controller with the PS analog style layout. The offset analog sticks are just way more comfortable.
The DS4 was the first PS controller that felt somewhat comfortable for me to hold, and it still didn’t compare with the Xbox controller (though the DS does have better should buttons).
When I traded my old launch Xbox One for a One X a few years ago the seamless transfer of saves was fantastic. Literally just had to log in and everything was where I had left it.
I mean I could watch Netflix on the browser at my PC, but I choose to use the app on my Xbox so I can watch from the comfort of my couch.
Kind of sounds like Left4Dead meets Aliens?
Seems fun, but from what I’ve read, unless you’re lucky it takes anywhere from 30-60 mins to properly sync up the two teams.
I liked Sapienza a lot, but the lab portion always felt out of place to me. The strength of Sapienza was exploring the small coastal town and the cliffside manor. The lab kind of felt like an afterthought that would have worked better if it were fully fleshed out as its own separate mission.
Sony and MS both have cloud gaming platforms available, though Game Pass Cloud is still in early beta.
I think it’s more that due to the way Google is structured and encourages employees to create side projects that Stadia started life as someone’s personal project.
Given the reputation Gamefreak has with being really bad at building game engines, they probably have enough of a hard time making one 3D game.