I mean the DMCA was created with good intentions, the problem is that it’s often abused and file hosting sites don’t have the man power to sift through all the complaints for ones that are legitimate and those made in bad faith.
I mean the DMCA was created with good intentions, the problem is that it’s often abused and file hosting sites don’t have the man power to sift through all the complaints for ones that are legitimate and those made in bad faith.
They could just sell it without new pack in toys. No reason it couldn’t work with the items people already have.
I can’t get over the fact that he has what is essentially boob armor for men.
I’m sure that it has one in case of emergencies.
You could always try finding an open back headphones and adding on a separate mic.
It’s been nearly 20 years and I still can’t believe MGS2 ended with the player fighting President Doc Ock.
If I remember correctly, most of the bosses in the game are completely optional except for the very first boss (the flying one you fight in the mail room).
I can’t imagine any ways the PS5 & Series X will have a good ray tracing implementation at least not without a heavy hit to performance.
I noticed on my playthrough not long ago that enemies were either complete pushovers, or sniping you from across the map.
I’m curious how many games are technically Steam exclusives because they aren’t offered on any other digital platforms.
I’m honestly surprised Camp David has an arcade. I always assumed it was just some ranch and wilderness retreat.
I’d rather they find new and interesting ways to use existing public spaces. Battlegrounds is a good step, and despite a lot of the complaints, I did find a lot of the seasonal public activities enjoyable.
TBH I’d rather they just work on making new content. I don’t really have any particular attachment to locations in D1 mostly because they aren’t nearly as interesting as the ones in D2.
It’s really weird they don’t mention Jason’s name at all when they reference one of his articles. I wonder if it’s some new G/O policy when linking to outside sources.
It should have never been a live service game. A Bioware Ironman action game with a good story could have been great, even if it wasn’t a traditional RPG.
What they should do is reboot it as a single player game. One ideally free from loot all together. Just do a straight forward action game with a good story and be done with it.
Elon is best when he’s not on Twitter trying to be the “Not Like the Other Girls” of CEO’s.