I think the shift from 3rd person to 1st person changes how the player navigates & perceives the game world.
I think the shift from 3rd person to 1st person changes how the player navigates & perceives the game world.
Night City is easily one of the most complex and detailed open maps I’ve ever seen, even if some stuff isn’t fully fleshed out in game.
After hearing about how Niantic has changed the game to make it easier to play at home, I wish they had that option in place when the game originally launched.
I’ve definitely seen videos of people clearing entire enemy bases with Contagion without even setting foot inside.
Yeah I agree about weapon’s not really being balanced.
Yeah if you go for a stealth playthrough the game basically becomes Far Cry + Watchdogs.
I think the headline is definitely poor, it’s way too specific and fails to properly describes the totality of development problems.
Sony’s controllers might have haptic feedback, but Microsoft’s have pockets.
I mean people somehow figure out the naming convention for smart phones.
I’d pay to watch Guilianni or Trump fight The Mountain.
Wait, it’s seriously called New Pokemon Snap?
I mean there’s only so many studios at EA that have the man power to divert to making a SW game. And it’s highly unlikely that EA would put the resources into preproduction on stuff they wouldn’t even have the license to yet.
If you look at the release dates of BF1, 2 & Fallen Order it’s pretty clear that EA had to rush out all 3 in order to meet the premiers of the Sequel Trilogy films.
I feel like the criticism that EA has barely made any games is a bad take, it’s not like they had games already in development when they got the licensing rights.
Hot take, I would argue most of the EA SW games aren’t bad, they just got overshadowed by bad design decisions and deadlines. BF1 was likely rushed out the door to meet the release of TFA, and BF2 had oppressive MTX that tanked its reputation out the door. But both Fallen Order and Squadrons are great, not…
I wonder if Microsoft’s acquisition of Bethesda will mean this is a Xbox/PC exclusive or if it’ll come to PS as well.
Really weird move considering most people associate the Star Wars games with the Lucasarts name, and that franchise seems to be the focus of this rebranding and not the adventure games from the past.
I’ve technically never fully beaten HL2 because the vehicle sections gave me such strong motion sickness (something I haven’t experienced with any other game ever) that I ended up using cheats to straight up skip those levels.
Episode 1 really feels like it was cut from the end of HL2 in order to give the later a cliffhanger ending in the style of the first game.
My DS4's usually require recharging after a couple days of heavy gaming (maybe 4-6 hours), while my XB1 controller w/ MS recharge pack lasts about a week of equivalent daily use.