
Yeah my DS4 lasts maybe a couple days of heavy gaming, while my XB1 controller stays strong for about a whole week of heavy gaming.

I feel like the developers may have originally intended V to be able to purchase multiple apartments at some point, or at least upgrade their living quarters as their notoriety and net worth rises.

I think you’ll only see a move out of China by manufacturers if the low wage labor force shrinks as the middle class continues to grow.

I’m pretty sure GPU’s don’t actually have a huge profit margin to begin with, though I’m sure if varies based on AIB and vendor.

DLSS is honestly Nvidia’s biggest draw at the moment, more so than RTX in my opinion. It’s basically free performance gains and I hope more devs implement it into their games.

I’m so glad I didn’t listen to people who told me to wait until this year to buy a GPU.

I think lack of player engagement and a low user base are probably contributing factors as well.

I hope the new Mass Effect game can take all the best aspects from the prior games.

The concept art for ME2's final boss is way better than what we ended up getting. Some of it depicts the human reaper as a Husk-like giant fetus. I think Bioware chose the final design because they wanted something the player could actually fight (which ended up being lame).

I think in terms of main plot ME2 is the weakest as it has very little bearing on the story overall.

Plague Tale isn’t really a horror game and it also kind of falls apart towards the end (narratively and gameplay-wise) for reasons I won’t get into due to spoilers.

I’ve had DLSS on and played with every possible setting, I’ve gone from Ultra to even low and no amount of tweaks seem to have any real impact on performance.

I watched the GN video but was somewhat frustrated since they really only tested two CPU’s and left out a bunch of (slightly) older CPU’s that would have represented a wider user share.

I just want performance optimization on PC’s. The 1.05 patch basically did nothing for me even though I have an AMD CPU that was supposed to get performance improvements (6 cores).

I’m pretty sure they already did...

What frame rates are you getting and what CPU do you have?

On one hand, this really isn’t that much different than playing sports at a competitive level and going to practice and competitions.

The Coalition seems to be on top of their tech. Gears 5 looked and ran amazing on even the One X.

Do I get to pick which class I get to be if I enlist?

Yeah, it feels like the devs built the environments with the RTX features in mind.