
Are you saying Neo Yokio will have blast processing and jams?

Pine is too good looking to play Kennedy. They need somebody who looks like they took Chris Pine and melted him slightly. Like someone who is ALMOST good looking...

I would just find the remote and change it. Presumably they are too old to change it back.

It’s not so strange. They are sold that way, and people who had never seen high definition television before a few years ago think that that’s what TV was supposed to look like all these years...because they are idiots, fine, you win, it’s true.

Do they think the show is for cucks?

Best Buy and other stores use it it to show football footage on display models. Sports is what the setting is intended for. And a lot of the sales are for the Super Bowl each year. So the manufacturers set it as the default apparently.

It’s pointless to try and debate or reason with people whose ideology (Nazism) does not leave room for debate or reason, and in fact actively opposes such actions as a very basic tenet of its ideology.

It’s a book that should actually be read by kids in eleventh or twelfth grade and explicated for symbolism, metaphor, themes, etc. It’s actually a good choice for an AP English class because so many of the skills that are necessary for college lit courses can be applied to it quite easily and give kids a head start on

I would just like to point out that I changed it to the correct Sindarin which would be Rîsgorn but Kinja is not showing my edit.

Frida! Samantha! Poppin! Mary! Glenda! Rîsgorn (yes I looked up the Sindarin female equivalent, ‘cause I’m a huge nerd)!

My only issue with the ‘63 one is the psychic convo between Simon and the Lord of the Flies is just Simon zoning out while looking at the Lord of the Flies with no dialogue. It’s trippy but ultimately causes the audience to miss out on a significant part of the theme of the film if they have never read the novel.

The Lord of the Flies is actually Beelzebub/Satan. More specifically, it’s a pig’s head impaled on a stick and covered in flies. Metaphorically, it’s the power of superstition to destroy reason and logic.

Big Mommy would probably still be good for a larf. So would Happy Gilda.

They’ll call her Ms. Piggy.

Will the rape metaphor be as obvious this time around, though?

Wanted to take control of Winterfell and the north by proxy. I presume he intended to overthrow Jon and marry Sansa at some indeterminate point in the future.

Top-tier cunnilingus skills and the inability to be kneed in the crotch is no replacement for a dick! One can learn the former without the added motivation of zero dicks, and the latter can be assuaged with a padded codpiece, ye olde medieval cup.

I thought his full name was Brandon Exposition-Dump Stark, though.

They say Jon Snow’s butt is the gift that keeps on giving.

The Obama presidency was so tame it drove Jon Stewart into retirement.