
Didn’t Taft live through four years and also become a supreme court justice at a later point? And that was in an age before blood pressure medicine.

Or the people in Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Michigan, etc. who voted for Obama in 2012 and then didn’t vote for Hillary in 2016 could get their heads out of their asses, or get their asses off the couch, since at least in my state we also got stuck with Pat Toomey for six more years, which make me assume it was

I don’t think we should judge O’Neal this harshly. Sure, all he did was write a sensationalist article from an office in Chicago, but I wouldn’t be so judgmental.

That’s the thing, to respond to how ridiculous the article is, you already gave them the pageclick and are even commenting below it to drive the social media aspect. Kind of depressing.

O’Neal is not an idiot or a douche, but he seems to have gotten carried away with sensationalism in this article.

Stealing electronics is not “working the system”.

The only thing that ever comes up with Targaryens is insanity, and if you look at how many are actually insane it’s probably less than would be insane by mere chance.

Even when the direwolves are alive they spend all season coincidentally JUST off-camera.

They also think marrying their first cousin is totally cool so kind of screwed up even by real life standards (although I suppose not real life MEDIEVAL standards).


A brother and sister were just fucking on the throne so for the average Westerosi they will see it as an improvement.

Well, make good blockbuster movies and you’ll make a fortune. There are lots of good movies that are financially unrewarded.

In the intervening years they talk about how the summer movie season now stretches from February to September because the movies do better.

Eh, I don’t know about non-franchise inspiring, Death Note just came out this past weekend and was clearly intended to have a sequel.

The Dark Tower was ridiculously screwed up in production, apparently. It’s a shame but I don’t think it means audiences won’t latch onto a Dark Tower movie if it were done properly.

You forgot Atomic Blonde, it was good.

I was going to say Hellboy: Rise of the Blood Queen but it’s a reboot and not a sequel.

Well, they won’t come up with less of the latter, they did very well.

Just this past spring, we had numerous articles about how the summer movie season had expanded to the entire year, what with successful blockbuster films in February and March in the past few years. They should make up their mind.

It’s depressing that it has O’Neal’s byline, as well.