
How’s Trump working out for you, smart guy?

That’s because Republicans registered as Democrats in order to vote for Hillary, because they felt McCain could beat her in the general election over Obama.

No, it was encouraged for Republicans to register as Democrats and vote for her in the primary because they felt that McCain could beat her.

By not voting for her, you voted for a crook and an asshole.

This but unironically.

“Basically if they see the Obama/Clinton brand of Democratic politics as unacceptable then voting in Clinton would be taken as an endorsement of this rather than a vote against Trump, making it harder to push the party leftwards, especially if Clinton won the election.”

“I voted Sanders in the primary, knowing he probably wasn’t going to win, and I know Hillary is mostly full of crap, but I voted for her because she’s at least competent.”

I prefer the imagery that they sat at home with their thumbs up their asses, preparing their anuses for Trump.

You have no problem with pointing the finger at Hillary.

“If Hillary Clinton did not motivate enough people to vote for her, that’s the fault of Hillary Clinton, not the voters.”

The average person doesn’t even vote in primaries, which is where actual change could occur. Then they complain about a lack of third-party or non-centrist candidates.

If he’s registered Republican how did he vote for Bernie in the primary?

Exactly. Trump did not have more voters on average than Romney. If people had simply voted for Clinton at the same rate they did for Obama in Michigan, PA, North Carolina, she would be president. And in PA at least it wasn’t abstention from the presidential ballot question, it was sitting at home and not voting

Can’t entirely blame Bernie Bros., who at least went and voted in the general election (even if for Trump, which makes no sense, or for Bernie, which also made no sense, as the time for that was in the primary).

Trevorrow is an asshole?

The Ark of the Covenant contains potassium benzoate.

He’s been in two aviation incidents, he lost his pilot’s license for the second one. He crash landed his plane on a golf course and he landed on the wrong runway at a major airport, passing just above a large passenger jet that was taxiing out to take off. 

Only two, he crash landed his plane on a golf course and he landed on the wrong runway at a major airport, passing just above a large passenger jet that was taxiing out to take off.

I mean, we can pretend that LaBeouf’s Mutt was the problem with the movie and not the things they had him say and do, I guess.

Grillo and car chases, I’m there.