
The period button on my phone’s keyboard stopped working, and now I have to separate sentences with a Colin.

He is going to be replaced by Lester Yesterbay.

Here today, gone Trevorrow.

Wrong, those were all core parts of her platform, just without “free” latched onto the front of them. That’s where Bernie “7 Minute Abs” Sanders stepped in and promised bigger and better with no details.

Free college, free healthcare, free debt-relief. If Clinton had an idea for something, Bernie had his own version that just slapped “free” in front of it. It was the same thing with the minimum wage. Were people who were making $7.75 an hour going to turn down $12 an hour just because it wasn’t $15 an hour?

She didn’t vote for it. Bernie can’t say that.

“It won’t lower the unemployment rate, or lighten anyone’s taxes, or raise anybody’s wages”

The obvious difference being that the Democratic party has protected Social Security since its inception, while on the other hand nearly 20% of Trump supporters disapproved of the Emancipation Proclamation.

These things are not equivalent, my dude.

Luckily for you “third way corporatism” is the least of our worries now! We get to deal with actual Nazis instead!

Thanks, left-wing democrats, you sure taught our party a lesson about the grassroots.

I was a Bernie voter. If he voted for Trump, then he voted against everything Bernie stood for. Your friend is a moron.

I particularly like the part where she compares Bernie to the “7 minute abs” guy from There’s Something About Mary. Clinton would propose a policy, and then Bernie would come along with the “7 minute abs” magic version that did Clinton’s plan and more, but somehow for less money and a quicker timeline, zero details.

Don’t dare tell an angry Bernie supporter this.

There are points where I disagree with her, but she’s not wrong here.

I was right there with you till you bashed Forrest Gump.

It’s actually the fault of Baby-boomers refusing to give up their power. This election was a generational step backwards from Generation X, back to the Baby-boomers. And they’re so old now and desperate to hold onto their power, that they elected the actual avatar of their Me-Generation. When it was all said and done,

I’m sorry, Xanderpuss, but I’m having trouble understanding part of your post. How are third party voters not counted with the dumbshits?

Trump is unhinged, but that doesn’t take away from the fact millions of voters stayed home and sulked like toothless babies because their preferred candidate didn’t win the primaries.

(Also it’s hilarious that she’s citing a balanced budget as one of the massive achievements of the Dems, no wonder they have no appeal to the working class if that’s what they think is worth bragging about).

Adjusted for population growth, the Republicans come out in the same numbers every four years. Democrats and the mythical “undecided” voters stayed home in 2016. The Bernouts, the third party voters and the dumbshits who stayed home gifted the election to Trump. For all Hillary’s faults, which are far fewer than the

Well, she’s not wrong.