
The people at Hot Topic gotta eat too, you know.

I seem to remember some Elseworlds plot where the Joker kills Batman with Joker venom. Joker is distressed that unlike every other victim, Batman doesn’t laugh himself to death. Joker asks why, to which Batman replies, “You’re not funny.” before expiring.

They realized they like money, which is why they have not announce Batman & Superman 2: Justice Boogaloo, but have announced sequels to their most lucrative films, Suicide Squad and Wonder Woman.

He figures if he makes four movies that the combined footage can be edited by fans into one coherent narrative. He’ll secretly craft the last word he has in each scene so that it flows into the next scene in the next movie.

Hail Jokera.

Because they are just developing various projects. I guarantee only a couple of these things gets made.

The origin parts of Mad Love were already mostly covered in Suicide Squad, so not sure what the overall story will be here.

is there a tabloid that finds old balding directors to be sexy?

Was he physically unable to reproduce or just so stupid he couldn't put tab A in slot B?

What if this lady is smoking hot and has dragons?

I thought Whedon was already considered anti-feminist post-Age of Ultron, so I suppose the next required step to continue to be outraged would be to argue that he was never a feminist.

Think about how disgusting lobsters are versus how good they taste, though.

I'd eat frog legs before I went into the kangaroo category, man. In that I've eaten frog legs before.

Free range. It sets the mouth to watering.

Same reason people don't like to eat veal, probably. Humans are very sentimental.

There are places in America where people eat rabbits but they're also the places where people still eat squirrel.

Would you eat a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? I think not.

The Baratheons had a good claim though because of Robert's ancestry, he had a Targaryen great grandmother or something or other.

Kevan could've been up for it but he's so dead now. Like more dead than usual.

Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers is your favorite flick, right?