
To be fair, they're in a state of civil war already, and it probably comes down to who can actually field an army as well.

I was somewhat mistaken, it would actually require them to ignore Tyrion as well as Jaime. But that's not too surprising.

No, I'm saying the Lannisters themselves have some Targaryen blood (legitimately) a few generations back (think a younger brother or sister of the crown prince/king). I forget the details but it's been exhaustively chronicled by fans even more geeky than I all possible claimants to the throne, and with all

it can't be this slow a Trump newsday, given what he's doing to the country. I also don't think he spent several minutes staring at the eclipse but only a few seconds, which is not particularly dangerous. That said, if he WERE struck blind maybe he would stick around the White House and save the taxpayers a little bit

Cersei is actually next in line for the throne, genetically, if you ignore the mainline Targaryen lineage, because one of her ancestors is a Targaryen, she's the closest to the mainline lineage left on Westeros that isn't actually in it. Not sure why the show didn't make that clear.

It fit the classical "knight errant" narrative mold quite well, though.

So the show is proactive, huh?

They've been teleporting since Season 2, especially Littlefinger, so I'm not sure why people are just now noticing. Maybe it's because I'm more familiar with…Westerosi geography (kill me now).

You mean the shoehorned convo about RACE RELATIONS didn't automatically strike you as incredibly well written?

I was glad to see Foggy not be annoying as well.

More Mass Extra-Judicial JUSTICE

I'm not a law-talking guy but the other lawyer probably should have said something like that he was leading the witness, and also that since the evidence was never submitted to the court they would have to recess so this new evidence could be submitted and etc. etc. but whatever, the jury just ruled on evidence that

I have to believe there's some historical presidents that are worse. Just to function.

lol way to twist what I said.

Did you particularly enjoy this episode:

Absolutely everyone that isn't an alt-right terrorist would want Heather Heyer safe and alive, you fucking dumbass.

Inciting a car crash? Go fuck yourself.

The point being made was truly bizarre, since it was an attempt to justify Robert E. Lee's behavior by pointing out that our founding fathers were also assholes.

He's disgusting and his presidency is the saddest joke foisted upon us all in recent years.

The AV Club is all about snarkiness, often at the cost of a sincere stance on a particular controversy.