

Hooray! E! isn't renewing Chelsea!

I'm just sad for Jay z and Beyonce. This will be very hard for them.

Well, now GOOP can inform us all of how to handle the struggles of being a single mother whilst still feeding our children organic quinoa after school.

This is going to be a serious impediment to her continuing plans to be a pretend Brit.

Good for you PolCat! That is NOT going to be the popular opinion, but I applaud you for taking an unpopular stance!

When I want privacy I don't make public announcements. On a blog. Where I talk about myself all the time. That's the opposite of privacy.

I don't care I'm just gonna say it.
I'm pretty sad about this. Love GOOP and like Coldplay.
Why can't people stay together anymore?

Dude, can you imagine how emo the next Coldplay album will be. I mean they are all kind of melancholy, but this will be a super angst fest.

Yes, albeit with fewer Mason jars.

Nah. Romy and Michele invented post-its.

Loreal Brit Invasion

I think that Rust Cohle would argue the poor, uneducated, fat, dirty, smelly, racist sister-fuckers are just the ones that get caught. The rich, clean, educated and powerful people who benefit from the chaos get away with it. But as Marty says, that's the kind of world we live in, and you catch the ones you can.

Uh ... The fact that being poor leaves you open to greater exploitation is a key theme of this show, as the cult preys on children from poor families and women who are sex workers, who are therefore, 'less likely to be missed.' So yeah, that means in the show the detectives have to interview a lot of characters who

I grew up in a poor town in Missouri, rather than Louisiana, but I think Salon's criticism is off. True Detective is a show about the ways in which rich white men who occupy positions of power have often abused that power at the expense of the marginalized, and then used their connections to erase that abuse from the

That held its flavor for legit like 10 seconds.