
“Also, I’m calling bullshit on the “I wouldn’t mind if she were broke” line.”

Umm-kay, lemme just reference to Tracy’s piece titled “What Shit Are You Too Old For?”...I’m clearly too fucking old to know who these lil thumb suckers are or to care how they got their precious snowflake feelings hurt. I can’t even believe I read the piece but I just kept waiting for something or someone that I

I work in a pediatric hospital and based on the number of dirty diapers I encounter in elevators, stairwells, the parking garage and even the chapel on occasion, I’m gonna say that you can dispose of them anywhere your nasty ass wishes, per your own sense of self entitlement and the additional entitlements of your lil

*sitting in corner crying and holding old Liz Claiborne bag while wishing for a Coach*

Crazy shit finds its way into the vag...pebbles are the least of the worries

I grew up very poor so we had no choice but to discuss money. Sometimes my mom needed money that we had been given for our birthday or holidays so that she had gas to get to work. Of all the fucked up things in my life that I’ve had to deal with or overcome, being poor has definitely had the biggest impact on forming

60 stars & still grey...ok, then

I’ve had some very vile and disturbing things said to me recently on Gawker and Salon due to some very benign discussions...not controversial topics at all. My husband said I should stop participating in online discussions because of this. Hard to believe that the solution was I stop talking...I mean, really? Didn’t

He’s been gone 14 years this month. His nickname was “Strawberry”.

Just floating a theory here but isn’t it funny how being obscenely wealthy and having access to absolutely anything you want will cause you to behave like you don’t give a fuck? While it’s obvious that she is growing up I really don’t think she has some special insight on life or a transcendent wisdom...she’s just

OMG, yes! Thank you for that point! Yesterday I'm getting dressed to go see my therapist, who is a male, and I totally slobbed out with yoga pants and a t-shirt with paint on it. I never wear makeup to see him because ultimately I cry every session. You shouldn't have to worry about looking fuckable in therapy!

Yeah, gotta agree about Paula Poundstone. I don't find her humor very funny so she does sorta detract from the pleasure of listening to WWDTM but it's all just whatev, ya know cause I would NEVER threaten to pull my local support over it. I knew when I heard the Kim K segment that there would be some very serious NPR

Lime Chobani is in my fridge at all times. If I’m feeling dangerous I’ll get the blood orange flavor

Got drunk on champagne in the limo on the way to the reception because we got hung up in traffic and I hadn’t eaten all day. I was fairly well-behaved except for groping a few people. My mom said people were watching me on the dance floor and saying, “she’s such a happy bride”. Mom said, “No, she’s shitfaced”.

I could hang with you too up to the point where it looks like she staged a hate crime against herself. She really flubbed that up. Im’ma say this heffa is book smart but common sense deficient.

I bet the shit smear knew exactly which woman he had pushed too far

And don’t forget the “cowbro’s”...I live in Nashville so they have to be factored in

I lived in the same God forsaken bullshit town Brooke does for four years and here’s what it’s taught me: you’re literally a nobody if you aren’t in the music biz; living in the buckle of the Bible Belt means any judgment passed against you will be backed up with hard scripture: there is no middle class: everything in