
You know, he’s not wrong. #Khlomar

Here is Kim Howe, the woman Caitlyn Jenner killed with her reckless driving just six months ago.

Noooooooooooooooooo!!! That’s one of those situations where you just stand there like... “Is this really happening right now? Oh my god, it is...” what do you even do? I was standing in line at Subway once and a lady plopped her kid down at a table behind me and changed her baby’s shitty diaper right there. Where

I am reading “Primates of Park Avenue” and just finished the chapter on her need for a Birkin bag when this story broke. I hate to say this, but I understand the want. It is a BEAUTIFUL bag.

Any handbag that Samantha had to use Lucy Liu to get, has no place in modern day society.

This is shitty. Loser Kids of Politicians are fair game for our snark if they’re breaking laws or actively seeking notoriety, but this is just mean-spirited gawking. Let’s be better.

How dare you! Mentioning the Titans amongst those terrible talents....

Yes - I can’t hate Camille. She’s unknowingly in a two person cult. If this man is capable of treating strangers in a certain way (incapacitating them and raping them), how does he treat the women he lives with? It can’t be good.

Jesus christ. At a glance this pic looks like an abandoned Barbie doll in a sandbox. At second glance she looks like a murder victim.

I absolutely just CANNOT understand this.

He hates her, yes? Every time she is styled by him she looks ridiculous.

I’ll do a side-by-side comparison of work schedules with Jeb any day. We can put it all in an Excel spreadsheet with a column for hours involved, related commute, ability to work on said commute, and financial pay-off. I’ll even let him adjust it to allow for .77 on every dollar he makes.

I can already guarantee I work

the only thing I can think of is that, as young girls & as observers, none of them had any concept how awful this shit really was. the girls who were abused didn’t say anything for fear of their careers & livelihoods – it stands to reason that the girls who witnessed abuse wouldn’t say anything for the same reasons,

If you believe you are constantly being misunderstood, you are probably 1) a hormonal 13-year-old with emo leanings or 2) a poor communicator or 3) BOTH.

“so this guy in france says we should all go fuck ourselves and that he will tell everyone he knows that we killed his whole family because his box didn’t ship on time???”

So because some woman who got kicked off a plane, a woman who can’t have twitter because it affects her “mental health,” a woman who deletes her initial allegations says that United has racist flight attendants, you automatically assume United has racist flight attendants?

Since she is not standing behind her statement and in fact, took it down rather quickly, I am guessing the way she said things went down, didn’t exactly go down that way. And I bet someone has a video of the incident and told her to knock it off or else they would post it on youtube.

Do you get similarly het up about people posting pictures of themselves with a glass of wine? Because let me tell you, alcohol is a fucking poison and is causing far, far more agony and death than cocaine is. It’s wonderful and comprehensively deadly.

This is your friendly neighborhood physician reminding you that if you’re gonna partake of recreational drugs (and I highly recommend you do!), try to stick with the ones that don’t give myocardial infarctions to people in their 20’s.