
I too have very fine hair that really needs to be washed twice a day but I only wash it once a day. I find it helpful to keep blonde highlights at all times so that it dries it out a bit and isn't plastered to my head with the oil from my scalp by the end of my day. Also, I work in a hospital so showering daily is

Didn't get to watch the whole show so I'm wondering if anyone saw Jack White? Did he perform? Was he nominated? Blunderbuss was a fantastic solo album and he toured his ass off last year (and I was lucky enough to see him live). I just love me some Jack White!

That pic is from back before Madge became British. Speaking of obnoxious faux Brits, who became fake British first... Madonna or Gwyneth? And who is more fake British?

The hubs and I are pretty sure Taylor Swift has been taking voice lessons. She held her notes better and seemed to project a stronger voice than she used to. I'm not a fan of her music but I think she is becoming a very pretty young woman and its good to hear her improving.

Was there anything about Lorde that wasn't awkward as ass? The hair wasn't working at all. Sister needs highlights! The dark lipstick combined with the terrible caked-on make up and horrible posture made her look so old and homely. "Royals" was my jam all summer long but she just did not shine at the Grammy's and this

Nailed it!


I watch West Wing from start to finish once a year on Netflix. I loved this show so much and now I'm watching The Newsroom on HBO, which is also by Aaron Sorkin, and has several relationship will they/won't they storylines going on. I loved West Wing so much that I named my youngest cat Tobias Ziegler aka Toby.

That voice, those lips and adorable upturned nose! Watching James Spader in 1985's Tuff Turfs made me squirm in the most wonderful way and it wasn't just cause I was a 13-year old, 5' 2", neon jellies-wearing cluster of walking hormones. He even made me question my pledged love and devotion to Duran Duran's John

Plus three-fucking-hundred dollars for shipping? What the what?

Dear Justin, Proactive.

Oh My Goddess! The Halton/JC Penney reference was awesome! My husband could not figure out why I thought that was so great... but it was. And also...I miss Nan!

Honkeys ruin everything.

Exactly! I've tried it a number of different styles on the Queen Victoria but nothing feels cleaner than bald. I check in with the hubs about once a year to make sure it doesn't feel all pervy like he's messing with a little girl and he's all good so that's what works for me. I fail to see how "beauty shaming" plays a

But what about butterscotch? Gotta give butterscotch pie some respect!

Yes, I was just thinking the exact same thing. Her son and daughter and all their little Brit friends probably say it to one another all the time and she thought she was being relevant. I wonder how it would have all gone down if she had just quoted Chris Rock, as in: 'Dis Cracka-Ass-Cracka'?

Wow, that was 10k well spent... NOT!

On behalf of Brandi's sister, who was molested, let me say this: Brandi, you are a total C U Next Tuesday! And I would never wish rape on anyone ever but sounds like you've kinda already put that request out to the universe on your own behalf... so, you got that little piece of karma out there waiting for you and

Track suits AND dressing gowns? *clutching pearls in extreme judgment and disgust*

I do believe in celebrating Christmas for both Christian and secular reasons but because I just worked three 12-hr night shifts in a row and worked 6 out of the last 8 days, I believe I will spend my holiday by sleeping all day long, guilt-free. And maybe after a 10-hour nap I will go out to find Chinese food (if