
Oh for fuck sake people! Get off your self righteous, PC soap boxes and lighten up... its just pop music! All of you that are so offended on behalf of all Asian people need to get a clue. Western pop culture is constantly being emulated by our friends in the East... and very often its tacky, inaccurate and campy.

Pretty is, as Pretty does.

A. Kim looks amazing and I so much want to believe that her waist is that small post-baby because she's working hard to make the haters kiss her big round ass for all the horrible things they said about her weight while preggers...however, I have a slight suspicion that a bit of photoshopping happened... I'm sure we

Yup, I HEART Nan!

Why does she always look like she just smelled a fart? Dear Kristen, she who smelt it, dealt it.

I work at Vanderbilt Children's Hospital in Nashville and we recently had a bomb threat. Hearing someone on the overhead say the words "we are at Code Black" was so scary. "Code Silver" means shooter and it is one of my biggest fears to hear that but I don't try to convince myself anymore that it is unlikely to happen

tried pumpkin spice Chex mix recently and it was outstanding!

"Kim is worried that she'll be criticized if the wedding is too ostentatious."

*clutches pearls*

North really is a beautiful baby. I'm concerned though that someone is going to point out to Kim how her hair isn't growing in evenly (which is a totally normal thing...not trying to baby-shame) and Kim's instinct will be to have ombre hair extension put in ASAP. Bangs or no bangs for baby North?

OH SNAP! I love you!

That was actually the one thing I was really identifying with. I once had a dude dump me for that reason so I had learned to not shine light on that particular habit until I had the guy pretty much locked down. But even that didn't keep my ex-husband (who was a cop) from threatening to divorce me 3 months after we got

aw damn, and on a day that I could give a shit less about your level of disapproval. oh whelp. FYI, didn't cut on this dude's physique...I'm a fat girl with a fat husband. Just don't care for the pic...just didn't grab me. Lighten the fuck up!

not criticizing the kilt...just the guy in this photo...

It wouldn't be ew if he was an attractive guy. I think it would be sexy on my man and wouldn't mind if he presented me with a pic like this.

Actually, I think its a kilt. The subliminal message is that he's not wearing anything under it. ew

Wouldn't it be healthier to just not be "friends" on social media? I have a similar person from my past and like four times a week her profile pops up on my FB and says something like, "you and this bitch have 142 mutual friends. you should friend this bitch". And I'm like, "thanks FB, how astute your observations

Same situation for me with Comcast. $175/mo for "expanded cable" and HS internet. Have one TV; one DVR (which was $15/mo to rent); no movie channels; no sports packages; another $15/mo for modem rental. I've cut the cord twice in 3 years and right now its been off for about 4 months. Last time we went back it was

Uh huh, yup...I can see the JP likeness...just hope Brody's hairline cooperates so as not to have the giant shiny forehead that Jason now has. OK, so let's say they were doing a remake of the 1987 Lost Boys and Brody was starring in the JP role. Who would play the two Corey roles and who would play Jamie Gertz and