Arcanum Five

Has he considered the possibility that aliens were flying a craft deliberately disguised as a 737 so that people on the ground would film it poorly, claim it was a triangle-shaped alien craft, and then be debunked by YouTubers? Has he?

I still think she should be in Star Wars and her character name should just be her real name.

Two more victims of candle culture.

If I ever get to write a Batman comic, I’m definitely going to have people ask Scarecrow if he’s related to “that radio psychiatrist”. Jonathan will dismissively reply, “Distant cousin”.

Like a cheese stick.

It absolutely is.

Alexa violates everyone else’s privacy, so I guess it’s only fair to violate hers.

If Sam Barsanti is ever unconscious and needs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, be sure to ask for his permission first.

This makes me worry about the dogs who will eventually eat him once his legs give out.

Does anyone really want their fingers cut off for making mistakes?

No, you cannot stab someone with a blood icicle like Sub-Zero in Mortal Kombat

But you see Sub-Zero uses a magic blood icicle so it totally works.

Moats and drawbridges or GTFO.

Man says, “Doctor, I feel too coddled by this PC Culture. Nothing shocks me anymore.”

Their brand of fundagelical crazy has a template for this. He’ll attend a “spritual retreat” (i.e. hiding out from the press), after which he, and other members of his church in high standing, will proclaim that god has forgiven him. They will then pressure the victims into forgiving him (“god forgave him, are you

Why wouldn't he just run for state office in Arkansas?

I’m surprised because if we were playing “where are they now,” I would have bet good money he was already in prison.

I’m baffled by the guy who wants to spring for a gothic castle and what looks to be inches of land at some border points.  It seems to me that the illusion of opulent medieval luxury is broken if you can hit your neighbor’s house with an aggressively whacked ping pong ball.

Only in FeelAround. 

1). The dude seems to have unequivocally denied it. Unless there’s other evidence beyond “he also said an ignorant thing about Roma people” I don’t know how you can justify this level of outrage.