Arcanum Five

Luckily, he has several plumb platforms

It’s especially a flagon for both vampires and Armies Hammer.

if only barsanti would take literally anything as a challenge, he might rise to an occasion for once

Hot take: Black Panther and Citizen Kane are both good movies, and there’s really no value in ranking them hierarchically.

Well, this article fulfills the site’s daily stupid bullshit quota.

Seems fitting. Whenever I saw a Chadwick Boseman performance, I’d say to myself, “That man truly embodies what it means to be non-fungible.”

Yeah, no fucking shit. They’re jamming candy in a fucking toilet. I’m weirdly angry at the thought that anyone could have interpreted this as anything but a prank.

WEST WING. Every time I watch and rewatch this series, I get mad because I so wish I could have the opportunity to work with a group of people so smart, so driven and so basically decent.

Does he have a co-host named "Eye-gor"?

ABC shouldn’t give that extremely punchable douchebag a platform. And throwing Lindell in there is just adding insult to injury.

Ray Fisher wants to make it really clear that he NEVER wants to work again, doesn’t he?

I'm just here to agree with your counter-counterpoint because my first thought on reading the headline was "didn't Hugh Jackman already make this movie?"

“we have a counterpoint: Nobody remembers Real Steel, so nobody will notice or care if this is the exact same movie.”

Offer to show her your corgi.

>implicitly asks a lot of questions about how the personal details we post online can be repurposed by any kind of stranger

I think that’s why they killed off Stabler’s wife (which was otherwise a totally stupid plot device), so that Eliot would have an excuse to go all “Nick Sax” on the Bad Guys.

Given how Godzilla can convert whatever (food? radiation?) into blasting energy lasers or something, is it possible that he does not shit at all?

I think a large portion of the searches containing Prince William + hot are things like “Is Prince William hot?” “How did Prince William get a hot wife?” and “Prince William burning alive in the hottest circle of hell.”

GTFOH, he’s bald-ing. Which is the equivalent of only being able to grow a scraggly mustache or joining a motorcycle gang with a Vespa. You go full bald or go home!