Arcanum Five

That was all staged. An M67 has a much faster fuse than that. Grenades would pretty useless if the enemy has enough time to grab it and throw it back at you. That was an inert grenade that you can get at an army surplus store. The explosive was already in the ATM and detonated remotely. Actual live hand grenades are

*extremely Jasper from the Simpsons voice*

I really would like to accept my descent into clueless old age with better grace, but this article makes no fucking sense to me.

A prequel is not complete without unnecessary origin stories. We need to learn how the Pink Ladies and T-Birds were formed due to a common love of matching jackets.

What about Flavor Flav now?

Now playing

They got +5 bonus from using Chairface Chippendale’s laser as an arcane focus.

He’s just *really* beside himself about the Gathering being cancelled this year. He can’t summon up the energy to paint on the Shaggy 2 Dope eyebrows in his grief. 

I don’t know...I heard it used WIS as a dumpstat so it could load up on CHA. This could be a real problem. 

I think it’s most likely to pull the troll vote from Trump. I think there’s a not insignificant amount of voters that pick Trump for the lulz, and now they potentially have a new clown

I might have suspected that in her college days she surely passed by the international foods on her way to the liquor aisle, except she went to college in Pennsylvania and they wouldn’t have liquor in the grocery store.

I just see this whole thing in the context of many similar arguments in academia that often have the same tone and contours. I’m not saying anybody is right or wrong per se.

There’s probably even another medieval scholar out there who is going to say this letter is wrong, and the original take is correct. I tend to reserve “oh you got owned!” for wildly interpretive fields unless there’s a consensus.

I have weirdly mixed feelings about this. It reads a lot like an academic turf war of sorts. Like, too bad Lawrence Wright picked a scholar to interview who’s so old and out of touch, or who isn’t on the same page as this other scholar. So much of academia involves really smart people picking the living daylights out

This tone-deaf bitch can fuck right off. I feel like the entire Trump family is competing for the title of Dumbest Trump. There are no winners here.  ;_;

“Goya beans: have your butler ask the head cook if she uses them!”

Just prior to the photo(s) being taken, Ivanka was overheard saying: “They’re putting food in cans now? How cute! When did they start doing that?”

You gotta disrespect the crooked side hustle.

She couldn't get that can open if you handed her the can opener and showed her a 12 minute video called How to Open Cans. 

Savage, and lacking the stars it deserves.

To hell with the Schumer haters. That show was hilarious.